XVI - Yes, Father?

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"You've been here for far too long, young one."

Lotor sighed and stood up; looking around the great cave that he had been in for several Vargas at a time, at the least. He grew up here; he used to stay in this cave for many quintaints at a time, talking with the great dragon Belleaor and his lover Iozrfta. They would eat the sap from the walls, Lotor seemed to remember hearing that the sap was excess from the roots of the great trees on top of the mountain. Lotor sighed, knowing that there was little or no sap left, for he saw no trees on the mountain.

"Young one, you say that your friend will die if he does not get this sap, yes?"

Lotor looked at the dragon with glossy eyes, nodding his head in confirmation. The dragon knelt down to the prince's level, lightly resting her chin on the top of his head. "Please, go stand over in the corner over there with your arms out. Enough sap will fall into your arms to save your friends life. As soon as you have the sap, run, Please young one, run as far as you can. Lotor agreed to the plan, and went over to a beautiful corner; it was covered in ancient drawings of the lost people of this planet. He looked up and noticed a small bump in the ceiling of the grand ceiling. He wasn't sure, but he was fairly certain that it contained a hardened form of the sap.

There was a loud roaring sound, and Lotor looked over to see the magnificent wings of the dragon stretched all the way out, accompanied by the loud howl of the beast as she ran forward, ramming her massive head into the ceiling of her cave, shattering it, revealing the large amounts of sap. Lotor reached his arms out to catch the largest piece above him, crumpling under the velocity at which the mound had fallen.

He looked over the dragon, only to be met with a deep rumble from deep within the mountain. "Run! Run my young one! Run young child! Run and Forget about me, do not stop running! Run!" Lotor came to his senses, and saw the mountain crumbling, large boulders the size of his father falling to the ground. He quickly regained his balance, and did what the great beast has requested, he ran

Prince Lotor ran all the way to his ship, crying. The dragon took her life to save his lovers. Lotor got to his ship when the planet rumbled yet again; he looked towards the mountains, and saw the great one fall, undeniably crushing the great dragon underneath.

He grabbed a commuting container and put the sap inside, barely able to fit the chunk. He then put it into the shoot system, ready to propel it halfway across the galaxy if need be. Lotor then climbed into his ship and started it up, immediately shooting off of the planet, crying and mourning his lost friend.

Lotor looked up at his windshield when he heard the beeping of the comms. He didn't need to read the ID to know that this was his end. He straitened up and received the call from the ship in front of him. "Yes, father?"

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