XII - She would forgive you

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  It's him, Hunk told me he couldn't get to me. Why is he here? It has been years since I last saw him, it has been years since he went to jail, it has been years since that night. That night that everything went wrong, since Lance finally tried to take stand. Lance screamed and ran as fast as he could, knowing that was his one safe heaven, that his father couldn't chase him through the halls of the Galran ship.

"Get back here, you slut!" lance heard his old nickname, and immediately shuddered; he hadn't heard that name in years. He didn't want to hear it again, he didn't want this memory to haunt him anymore, and he couldn't have it happen again. How could he try to still live, with his father chasing him? "Get back over here, you slut, you need to show me that you're sorry! Don't make me call mis amigos."

Lance stopped in his tracks. His father had 5 friends, but one of them died in a drug overdose. The last thing lance wanted to see was them. The last time that lance saw them was on that night. Lance felt his belly churn at the memory.

"That's a good boy. Now stay there and let me come to you. We can do this easy and fast." The face that lance saw before him was horrendous. His father was about 6 foot 8 inches, 242 pounds, he was wearing a dirty white tank top, with many grease stains, beer stains, and many spots of red, of which lance didn't want to think too long on what the source was. As Lance looked, he felt his father come closer, and lightly graze his hand over the young boys chin. "Please, please don't hurt me." the sound that escaped lance's mouth was that of a lost boy, who was too scared to do much else but stand there, trembling. "Please don't call your friends. They hurt me, in ways I don't like. Please don't call them." Lance had tears tumbling down his face as his father responded, "not as long as you're a good boy I won't, now follow me, I'm sure this ship has some whips."

Lance's eyes bulged as he heard his father's words, and without thinking, he ran. It hadn't been half a dobosh, and Lance heard footsteps surrounding him. He looked around, and saw all of his dad's friends, standing there in the nude, growing smirks evident on their faces. "Are you ready for some fun, tramp?" Lance hated that voice, No, no, no, no, no! He should be dead! Why is he here! Lance turned around and screamed as he ran into his father's friend, punching him with everything he had, until the two of them collapsed, and Lance felt strong, sturdy, comfortable arms wrap around him, shushing him with sweet nothings bout 'trials' and 'overcoming past decisions' and worst of all, 'she would forgive you'. Lance turned his head to the side, and got a glimpse of a bloodied Allura, before Lotor quickly turned Lance's head into his chest, slowly stroking his hair, and telling him how he was loved, and how it was all behind him.

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