IIX - I was beginning to fall for you

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Lance struggled against the whip, acting as if he felt stuck. Lance knew better, he knew a part of his bracelet that Lotor had put in for events like this, for emergencies. Whilst he struggled, Lance bent his fingers to reach a button on the side, a button that would alert the prince to Lance being in distress.

As lance continued struggling, he began to feel numbness take over his torso, spreading down to his toes and neck. Suddenly he sees Lotor running over, pure rage written all over his face. He drew his sword, and went to the loosest and weakest enemy. Pidge. Lance watched on in pure helplessness, as he saw the sword go through the other side of his little 'sister', his buddy, his partner in crime. He sat there, still as he watched the young teen cough a viscous red substance up, painting the entire front of her armor a deep, burgundy, red color. All lance could do was bow his head for his fallen comrade, as he heard the loud thump of her limp body hitting the floor. His restraints were long gone, and Allura was at Pidges side, trying to bring her back, to save her.

Lotor walked over to lance and offered him a hand. A hand that lance quickly pushed away tears brimming his eyes. He removed his helmet, letting his now shoulder length hair fall freely, beautifully framing his face. "How could you! She was my sister! She was my other half! She was the Talia to my Skiff! How could you! You- you- you monster!" Lance was screaming at Lotor, his face covered in tears. Lotor looked taken aback, he'd just saved his life, and how could lance be so mad at him? "I-" Lotor tried to speak, but was quickly cut off, "Lance?" Allura saw the tall Cuban, with longer hair that even she could admit looked nice on him. "Lance? Is that you?" The princess was in denial that Lance could be here, all the paladins had accepted Lance's death ages ago. "Yes princess, it is me." At his words, Allura jumped up, away from the corpse next to her, and gripped onto lance tightly, almost as if he'd disappear.

"I'd hate to break up this little reunion, but you must leave." Lotor held a blaster to Allura's head. "Princess, tell hunk I said to relax, I'll be back soon." Lance looked at Allura pleadingly, and Allura suddenly looked, guilty? "Lance, I- uh- Hunk went missing a poeb ago. We are here to try to find his coordinates. Lance felt his blood run cold. "Allura, you need to leave. Here. This is all the info on all the prisoners, find him. Tell me when you find him, and send a transmission." Lance was pleading. Begging her to do as she was told and she did. Lance pulled up the Intel, and transferred it to her data chip. "Stay safe." Allura nodded, and turned around, before running, she bent down, and lifted her fallen comrade, running swiftly to the green lion the two had arrived in. upon running in, she felt something funny, a strange connection, then she heard it, a roar. The green lion had chosen her.

Back on the Galran cruiser, Lance turned to look at Lotor, tears still in his eyes. I trusted you. I was beginning to believe that maybe you weren't all that bad. I was beginning to fall for you, goddamnit!" Lance was bawling at this point. Ezor ran up to them, and once she saw they scene in front of her, she immediately knew what happened. "It will take more than books for me to forgive you." Lance turned to his fellow general, and asked in a tired and faltering voice, "Ezor, may I bunk with you for, a while." "Of course lance, anytime." The pink girl took lance into a tight embrace, giving Lotor a look that could kill.

The two walked away, turning right at the next turn, leaving Lotor alone to his thoughts.    

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