X - May I Please See Him

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Lance visibly perked when he heard the name Hunk, They'd found his friend! Lance looked up at Lotor and grinned, He had such a cute, wide, grin, and Lotor could tell that this 'Hunk' fellow was close to Lance. "Shall we?" Lotor bowed and gestured forward, allowing

Lance to lead the two on their walk to the comm room, Ezor being a comfortable third wheel. The three walked in silence, mostly in their own thoughts. Lotor decided to make the first move, and reached out for Lance's hand. Lance looked up at Lotor and smiled a happy smile that showed joy.

After a few more ticks of walking, they had arrived at the comm room, and Lance couldn't contain his excitement. He was jumping up and down on the balls of his feet, hyper from adrenaline, and he just wanted to see his friend. Lotor chuckled at the young boy's excitedness, loving the way that Lance's hair bounced around with him, despite the back being pulled into a low pony tail, down to between his shoulder blades.

Lotor opened the door wide, just wanting to see his little paladin happy. He threw wide the door and was surprised. He would've thought that the paladins would have contacted them from the castle, but they were on a Balmera, that was raining. Lotor, having much experience with Balmeran planets in the past, immediately knew what was going on, and held lance to his side, knowing that once it hit him as to what was going on, it would hit him hard.

Lance looked quizzically at Allura on the screen. "Allura? What's going on? I thought Coran said it never rains on the Balmera?"

"It is very rare, yes, but it does happen. This great planet only ever cries when she, or her inhabitants, feels immense amounts of pain or sadness." Lance was confused. His head cutely quirked to the right, trying to figure out why everyone was so solemn, and wearing... black...

"Princess, where's Hunk?" The princess cringed at the question, but took a step to the right nonetheless. Moving to reveal the scene of many people gathering and standing around a large wooden Box.

Lance stood still for a second, before quietly whispering, so that the princess could hardly hear him, asked her something that she knew he would ask. "Princess, may I please see him?" The princess nodded, and responded, "Lance, one final thing, Keith, he, he found his mother, her name is Krolia, and they went off to the far reaches of the universe. Lance, we are down to just me and Shiro. We don't have any paladins left." the princess had to stop and wipe a tear, grabbing a metallic hand that was clasped firmly on her shoulder. "Lotor, I know you are there, show yourself." Shiro's stern voice had a strange calming effect on Lance; it has been a while since he heard that sound. Lance felt shuffling around him, and Lotor had moved to be next to Lance, a steady hand on the younger males shoulder. "What is it that you want black paladin?" Lance mumbled a quiet 'Shiro' under his breath, correcting Lotor.

"You. I want you to come to this Balmera; I'm sending you the coordinates now. I want you to come so we can discuss your joining us as Voltron to put an end to your fathers reign. To get you full control of the universe." Lotor looked at the remaining paladin, and the princess. "Lotoralinola, we were friends as children, we can be allies as adults." Lance looked at Lotor questioningly, and Lotor shrugged him off saying he'd explain later. "Of course, we will be there in a few quintaints." Allura nodded in understanding, before turning to Lance, "would you like to see him?" Lance grabbed on to Lotor's arm tightly, and nodded to the princess. After a few ticks, the camera was pointed in towards the coffin, showing hunk in his day clothes, complete even with his orange headband. Lance looked down at his long time friend, long gashes and scars littered his face. He was surrounded by daffodils and many other flowers. Lance was even surprised to see orange flowers. Hunk looked peaceful. Lance couldn't handle it anymore, seeing the lack of color in his friends face. Lance had to run. He ran and ran and ran, trying to get to his bathroom, to get to his medicine cabinet, where he found his bottle of pill, labeled as "happiness makers" Lance poured a handful before placing them back. Lance found these a while ago, and had slowly stolen then one by one, careful not to overdose, the side effects were terrifying. Hallucinations, insanity, suicidal thoughts, death, but most terrifyingly, it could cause his skin to break out. Tis time Lance was just drowning in the sadness, he needed this, he needed to feel this euphoria, he needed this high. Lance knew he would black out soon, but he heard a loud sound, and a fuzzy voice sounding worried, before falling into a blissful dream. A dream of Hunk, Pidge, Lance, and all of their families siting to his right, even Keithwas there looking happy, and Lotor on his left. With the shore calling him to itself. To hold him.

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