XIII - Lance could wind up dead

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Lance screamed and backed away from Lotor, off of the bed and onto the floor. Lotor anticipated this type of reaction. The pills Lance had taken were notorious for their effects when overdosed on. When taking a normal dose, or one pill a day, it makes the person taking the pill happier; it acts as a memory block, hiding all bad memories away.

The problem comes when a person takes more than one. This is a very sensitive pill, and even just one extra can cause serious side effects.

They way that this pill works when overdosed, is that it will not only allow the victim to remember bad memories, it will go through the persons head and find the worst one, the one with the most pain that leaves the person the most scarred, the pill finds that memory and makes the person relive it. Sort of. It will take the people from the real world, where the victim is, and apply hallucinations over them, so if someone were to come barging in right now, Lance would freak out.

"Lance, if you can hear me, please comes here." Lotor tried talking slowly and clearly, trying to excerpt as much kindness as possible. However, based on lance' Cleary strained expression, Lotor knew that Lance couldn't hear him.

Lance stood up, and Lotor knew he would try to run, so he let him. He watched on his wrist screen to see where Lance was, and try to intersect him. While he tried to formulate a plan, he looked to see just how many pills lance had taken, 14. If Lotor didn't do something soon, Lance could wind up dead.

"Guys, Lance is currently turning right onto hallway 627" Lotor called into his comms, telling his generals to get ready to get Lance. Lotor loved lance, he really did, but he would have to hurt lance in order to save him. Lotor stood up, determined to save his lover.

Lotor ran at full speed to the hallway, watching his wrist to see where Lance was. "Lance! Please, don't move anymore. Come here, please. I don't want to do this hard. I've called the generals, but please, I don't want to hurt you. Lotor noticed his tears, and chuckled at how this young boy could move the stone-cold heart of the Galran prince to tears. Lotor knew he messed up, when Lance's face went white.

Lotor had slowly walked over to Lance, and once he was close enough, he lifted his hand and lightly traced it over his lovers jaw-line, it was so soft, and wet, Lotor didn't like that, Lance had been crying, was. "Please, please don't hurt me." the sound that escaped lance's mouth was that of a lost boy, who was too scared to do much else but stand there, trembling. "Please don't call your friends. They hurt me, in ways I don't like. Please don't call them." Lotor cringed, and hoped that the generals heard and knew to approach carefully, if needed. It's okay, Lance, I swear I won't, let's get you to the med bay; I'm sure they can bandage you up; Lance had scraped his knees getting out of the bed earlier. Lance's eyes widened, and he ran. "Guys, please, be gentle." he heard a series of hums in agreement, and he went to follow the dot.

When he got there, the sight terrified him. "Lance, we need to go, know." Allura was somehow on the ship, and advancing towards Lance, angrily. Before Lotor could stop anything, he saw lance turn around and slam his hand straight onto the side of Allura's head, with a sickening 'crack'.

Lotor watched Lance fall, and had a bittersweet taste in his mouth. He immediately sent out a call for the druids, telling them to heal Allura. He then went to catch Lance as he fell, he'd done it, and he'd managed to overcome his greatest fears. "Shhhh, Shhhh, hush now, young one. It's okay. The medication sends you through an intense trial of putting you back into your deepest, darkest memory, it's okay now. You're okay." Lotor bent down to kiss Lance on the top of his head, indulging in a slight selfish desire to smell the paladin. "It's okay lance, there was some... damage, but she would forgive you." Lotor hadn't seen Allura's chest rise once. He looked back to the teen in his arms, and saw him try to move his head to see Allura. Lotor, not wanting to hurt lance again so soon, quickly turned his head back into his chest, lightly stroking the paladins now long hair, hushing sweet nothings into his hair, nosing into it. Indulging into the scent. "I love you Lance, I really do." Lotor let a single tear drop down, landing on the top of Lance's hair.

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