IXX - Of Course Lance was Safe

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Just as soon as lance said the word, the greatest ruler of the universe dissipated away. Along with Lotor.

Lance looked around, completely alone on the large space giant. Once he turned around, he saw Hunk, Pidge, and Allura, standing with all of the lions to his right.

To his left, was Lotor, Acxa, Zethrid, and Narti. He was torn.

Lance shook his head left and right. Family or family.

He watched Pidge slowly raise her hand, beckoning Lance to go to her. He begins to take a step when he sneaks a look back to Lotor, to see Lotor's hand risen in a very similar fasion, with Acxa joining him.

Lance looked back and forth, as a thunderstorm brewed in the distance.

There was a light sprinkle as Lance made up his mind.

Everyone around him dissipated, it was just Pidge and Hunk, standing on their respective mounds, and they held their hands out to Lance.
"Lance, it's okay. You can let go now. You're safe." Pidge's soft, melodic voice lulled Lance to step closer.
Hunk merely set his hand on Lance's shoulder, squezzing softly.

Lance took a soft breath, it was his time. He slowly unsheathed the small dagger he always kept on his thigh, and set the point on his breast bone, just above his heart. He heard a soft sound in the back of his head.

'Drip, drip, drip, drip, dri-'

As the dripping stoped and was replaced by silence, he thrust the daggar through his chest, ending his own life.


Lotor shot up in bed, sweat dripping down his back, hot and sticky. He quickly looked over in his bed, to make sure.

Sure enough, there he was, Lance laying peacefuly, perfectly safe, happy, and content.

Lotor took a sigh of deep breath, of course Lance was safe. It was a nightmare. After lance left the Altean castle in the escape pod, all those years ago, he and Lance had immediatly fallen for eachother, becoming practically inseperable. The paladins of Voltron had come in peace to discuss the future of the universe, with Lance declaring that he is not Lotors servant, but in fact, his lover, and the war had ended that day.

Two years later (Lotor was proud of learning Earth time standards) he and Lance got married, and the whole universe rejoiced.

Three years later, they had their first child. A little girl whom they named Mariposa Marie.

Lotor laid back down and snaked his arm around his lovers side, taking a deep breath, and smelling the soft scent of his husbands favorite shampoo, Lotor'eal.

He took a deep breath and went back to sleep, feeling his lover cuddle up against him.

He dreamed a much nicer dream this time. This time, he dreamed of their wedding day. His favorite day. The wedding was held on Earth, on a day famously called Earth Day. There were flowers everywhere, aliens from over the entire universe, but most of all, the entire Rodriguez family. Lance's mother issued a divorce, and re-maried a man named Ricardo Rodriguez. He was a simple man, but a family man. Lotor laughed when he learned Ricardo's favorite food and drink, garlic knots and mangonada.

When Lotor woke up, he saw lanve starimg at him, with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey Lotor, it's April 22"

Lotor smirked as he got up, and pulled out his anniversary present for his husband. It was a simple book. 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"
Lance started to cry as he saw it. He had told Lotor 4 years ago it was his favorite, and the Prince had managed to get a copy for him. The two embraced each other, and they both lived happily ever after.


Hi guys, it's the Author here! This book was an emotional rollercoaster, but still alot of fun to write. I want to thank all of ya'll for your support! I want to thank all of you for your comments and votes! They really do mean alot. Just remember that I love all of y'all!
I'm going to do a Q&A so if you have any questions, all them by December 15 and I'll answer all of the ones that I can!

Thank you guys, I love all of Ya'll.

I'm not his servant, I'm his loverWhere stories live. Discover now