Chapter Three: Suicide

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School went by fast, Bakugou didn't speak during the remaining time they had at class. Katsuki and his other two friends usually beat Deku up after school but this time it was different. When the bell rang for school to be over Bakugou gathered his stuff quickly and left the classroom as soon as possible. His friends even found it abnormal.

Izuku was always the last one to leave the classroom. He exited the school building, he had a couple of hours left before he had to fake a death of his. 'How should I spend the rest of my time?' That question repeated itself. He could always say goodbye to everyone he knew but the only true people he can think about that would even care if he was gone was his mother. The suicide note had everything he always wanted to say so there was no point. He reached to a park he use to hang out with Bakugou when they were younger. He sat down on one of the swing sets. He put his backpack down and took out his letter. He started to swing back and fourth humming to himself, it was the one thing he can do before the big night "maybe I should pay Kacchan a little visit before I go" he stopped swinging and looked at the letter. "Kacchan always comes here...if I wait a little longer he'll come~" Midoriya knew that Bakugou always came here. It was no surprise at all, Deku knew this because when he use to take this way back home he always say Katsuki swinging on the swing sets and laughing with his new friends. He remembers how jealous he was when he saw Bakugou hang out with new people and share his laughter with them. He hated that so much. Deku put his letter away and waited for Bakugou. Midoriya had a feeling that he'll be alone this time. When he left the classroom he left so quickly that his friends were left behind. Izuku continued to wait, he started to get impatient, "maybe he decided not to come today."

The stars filled up the pitch black sky, the bright moon was the one thing that was providing light. Deku got up from the swing and put his backpack on. His mother was probably worried sick about him but he thought it was fine, he would be lying if he didn't say he was worried for his mother as well but it had to be done. Midoriya started to walk towards the building he met All Might. The building was closed. He leaned on the wall and waited for Tomura to show up. "Ha they locked up?"

"Yup, can you help me reach the roof?"

"Yeah no problem"

A purple mist surrounded both of them. It was some type of gate or something because the next thing Deku knew he was on the roof. "So that's how you managed to get in my room" Midoriya looked down, he was really high up. "Let's do this" Tomura nodded "Kurogiri send me the corpse."

"As you wish."

A deep voice spoke, Midoriya was stunned by the voice. The purple mist teleport a lifeless corpse in front of them. It definitely looked like Deku. Izuku's heart was pounding of excitement. Tomura nodded and let Midoriya handle the rest. Deku put the suicide letter right next to the shoes he just took off. Tomura helped Izuku with the corpse. They both counted to three and pushed it down the building. "Now that that's done, shall we go Midoriya?" Deku smirked and looked over at Tomura "yeah, let's go. "


The morning came back again and the corpse was found, they contacted the police immediately. They confirmed that it was a suicide. The letter that was left behind by the boy was later read by them.

"I can't handle it anymore, I can't stand apologizing to something I had no control of.

Mom if you're reading this then just know that I love you, I always did even if the rough times came by. You were the only one there for me, no one else wanted to reach out but you. You did everything you can but I did nothing in return, I was useless to you. I should have been a better son. No matter what, I'll be there with you, I won't be there physically but I'll protect you.

Kacchan, I always looked up to you. You were so cool to me. I really looked at you as a friend. It just turned out that you were the exact opposite of that. You treated me like a was nothing, like I wasn't equal to you at all. I'm still human you know. I still can get hurt and damaged. You might of said those words as jokes and laughed it off but I took them really hard. It hurt me so much. But even so Kacchan, I still think you're cool. I think you're capable of getting to UA. And UA if you do accept him then it's fine, he's strong and amazing. Kacchan I'm sorry for not being able to be a equal person as you, it's not like I meant that to happen. I like you, and I always will no matter what. Even if you told me to kill myself, I'll always have feelings for you.

All Might....thanks for nothing."

~927 words~
Well this was a short chapter.

I'm debating on to either make Deku a yandere or not. What should I do?

Edit: The vote above is over, he's a yandere my children :)

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