Chapter Eleven: Nightmare

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•🚨Warning🚨: This chapter contains smut. I repeat this chapter CONTAINS SMUT. Thank you and enjoy my sad attempt :)

(🌟Btw this is a bottom Bakugou fan fiction. Because Bottom Bakugou is the best type of Bakugou)

Slowly, Katsuki opened his eyes. He felt exhausted even after his slumber. He began to lift himself up from the bed and rub his eye to help him wake up. He glanced around. His vision hasn't adjusted yet. Bakugou let out a quiet yawn.

'Was it all just a stupid dream' the spiky haired boy thought as he felt like he woke up from a horrible nightmare. He smirked to himself and was about to leave the bed but he suddenly felt a tug on his ankles and wrists. "Huh?"

Bakugou looked at his legs as he attempted to move them again. He heard chains rattle once he tried. His eyes widen. He raised his hand and gazed upon his wrist. He realized there was shackles around his wrists and ankles. The shackles were connected to the chains that were tied from the bed. Bakugou started to panic.

This made him pull on the chains hoping they were magically snap. They wouldn't budge. For some reason this made Katsuki cry. "Why? Why am I crying?!" He wiped his tears and still continue to tug on it. He heard a door open. He stopped pulling and looked over at where the bright light was entering. He felt his heart drop after he saw the one and only. Izuku Midoriya.

He started to breath heavier as the green haired boy closed the door and walk towards him.

"Dek- no...Midoriya...p-please stop this."

Izuku smiled and gently pushed Katsuki. Even if it was a gentle one this was able to make Bakugou lay back down. Deku went on top of him.

"I'm sorry okay! I-im sorry for the way I treated you back then! I was a kid, I was ignorant and stupid. I didn't know better. S-so please stop this. P-please f-forgive me."

"Oh Kacchan. You should have told me that years ago."

He lift Bakugous chin up and kissed him. It wasn't a passionate and warm one, no, it was more of a sloppy and cold one. Deku was licking Katsukis lips, asking for an entrance. Bakugou refused to open. Izuku glared at katsuki and bit the ash blonds lip. This made him gasp. Taking full advantage, Midoriya slid his tongue inside. Exploring everything and leaving nothing untouched. Bakugou was about to push the freckled boy but immediately realized what would happen and what he promised.

He promised he'll behave and be Izuku's. If he didn't keep his word who knows what would happen. Even if he made a deal with Deku he still felt kinda worry for his friends. He couldn't just ask about them, he did that once before and he nearly experienced death.

But even so Katsuki would be lying if he said he didn't had feelings for Midoriya. It was way before he became a villain. He loved the old Izuku. The kind hearted one. It was just that Bakugou knew feeling the way he did was abnormal so he tried to hide his feelings and act like it never was there. He tried to push Midoriya away but it terribly backfired.

Katsuki closed his eyes. He did something that surprised even Deku. He decided to kiss him back.

*⚠Smut warning⚠*

There tongues intertwined with each other. Midoriya slowly slid his hand down Bakugou's chest and towards his pants. He started to stroke the ash blonds member. Katsuki moaned in Dekus mouth. This turned on Izuku.

Midoriya broke there kiss. A line of saliva connected the two. Bakugo was panting. His face was flustered. Deku looked at his masterpiece he created. 'So cute.'

Izuku took off Katsukis pants and boxers. "Sadly I forgot the lube so we'll have to use saliva."


"Yup, so open your mouth for me~"

Katsuki hesitated at first but did what he was told. Midoriya stuck his finger's inside the ash blonds mouth. He played with Bakugous tongue covering his fingers with his saliva.

"That's enough" Deku said before he pulled his fingers out. Izuku entered his index finger inside Katsukis entrance. Bakugou attempted to hold in his moans. Deku pouted "awww come on let me hear that beautiful moan of yours." He suddenly, without warning, put his middle finger inside bakugou as well. "Ahhh s-stop~"
"We both know that you're enjoying this" Izuku teased as he tried to loosen up the spiky haired boy. 'Hmm his prostate should be around here somewhere.' Midoriya thought to himself, he shifted his fingers to the left and felt something hot. He began to rub it with his fingers.
"G-GAHH! You b-bastard~" Katsuki moaned out. Deku just smirked and pulled his fingers out. "Found it." For a second Bakugou believed it was over until Midoriya pulled out his hard dick. It was dripping form his precum and twitching crazy. The blond shook his head telling Midoriya to not go inside him. Deku ignored his gestured. He was impatient. He took long enough to prepare Bakugou. He thrusted his dick inside kacchans entrance.
"NNGH-" Izuku wasn't sure if his moan was from pain or pleasure. "Fuck you're tight Kacchan~" he chuckled and continued to thrust harder and harder. He came close to Bakugous face and planted a kiss on his lips. Izuku deepen his kiss while he speed up his thrusts. Katsuki couldn't handle it anymore. Midoriya kept on hitting his prostate. It was to much for him. He became a moaning mess. He couldn't even breath either. Izuku didn't let him take small breaks between there kissing. Bakugou was about to cum. Midoriya used his free hand to stroke Katsukis dick once again. Finally, after a couple of minutes, Deku torn there kiss apart. Bakugou started to gasp for air.
"A-Ahh Izuku~"
"Mhm, moaning my first name makes me wanna break you and beg for more~ "

"N-No Ngh stop please, I'm going to cum~"

"Already darling?~"

Bakugou didn't want Izuku to cum inside him. "P-pull ahh o-out~" Deku smirked and whispered in Katsukis ear. "Kacchan I'm the dominate one. I'm the one giving the orders here, and if I decided to pull out then I decided to not you. And if I chose to cum inside you then i'll cum inside you whenever I feel like it okay~" Bakugou nodded, he clutched the bed sheets tightly and curled up his toes. 'Please let this be over soon'.

Midoriya kept thrusting inside him. "Fuck I think I'm going to cum too." The green hair boy mumbled. "Let's cum together~" Midoriya stated. Bakugou couldn't say no either way. Deku released his seeds inside the ash blonds ass while bakugou cummed squirted all over midoriya's and his chest. Izuku pulled out, cum was dripping out of bakugous ass. Katsuki was trembling.

*❌End of Smut❌*

Izuku pulled Bakugou to a kiss. Katsuki had tears fall down his cheek. He was too tired to argue or say anything. He felt exhausted and just wanted to sleep and wake up from this nightmare. Midoriya realized how tired Bakugou was, Izuku was tired as well. "You can sleep darling I'll clean you up~" Katsuki wanted to disagree with him but ended up drifting asleep. Was this how his life was going to be. Everyday nonstop. Was he just a toy for Midoriya to play with. ' No, this can't be right. I have to escape. I can't be here forever and be forgotten in the real world. Someone anyone...please let me wake up.'

~1322 words~

I lowkey feel bad for Bakugou. But I must do it for the plot of the story⋌༼ •̀ ⌂ •́ ༽⋋.
School will be staring soon and I'll probably have even slower updates. Btw thanks for your patience ⭐


Edit: The next chapter will be extremely long and will actually contain more smut ❗

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