Chapter Ten: Deal

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'Why? Why me? What did I do to deserve this? What did they do to be treated like this?'

The explosion boy thought, his eyes were red and swollen. Thinking about what he saw and experienced never failed to make him break down. He constantly wiped his cheek because of the tears that fall down.

What made things worse is that he was stuck with Izuku who looked like he was enjoying himself. Katsuki always caught Deku making small glances at him when they returned back to the elevator. He also had a slight smile on his face while doing so. I guess you can say he liked Bakugous new expression.

It felt forever until the elevator opened again to a new floor. Katsuki didn't want see what was waiting for him. It could have been anything. He might not even find him alive. But something told him otherwise.

Midoriya lead Bakugou to an other door. Katsuki could already feel the tears forming. "Kacchan? Why are you crying, we haven't even entered the room yet."

"SHUT UP...just open the door..."

"Are you sure, we can just go back and continue what we started."

"I need to make sure they're safe!"

"And if they're not?"

"Then I'll fuckin kill you!"

"How? You can't use your quirk any more."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on Kacchan, haven't you ever wondered why you couldn't use your quirk in the first place?"

"What the fuck did you do?!"

Izuku winked at the ash blond. Bakugous eyes widen and clenched his fist. Midoriya opened the door and pulled Katsuki inside the dark room. The room didn't smell like blood like the other room did, at least not as bad as the other. He started to hear a soft voice mumbling something after he entered the room. Deku turned the lights on to reveal the male that the spiky blond saw first.

He wasn't in a bad condition like the others but still. He couldn't bare looking at him like this. His wrist were chained up, they were attached to the ceiling. He couldn't touch the floor. Blood slowly dripped down his mouth/face. He stared down at the stone cold floor mumbling something unclear. His neat half red and half white hair was tangled up and had dry blood on it from his palms that were also bleeding, probably because he was gripping tightly on the chains.

Without a second thought, Bakugou ran after the half-n-half bastard. He forgot that Izuku had him chained up. Deku pulled on the chain causing the ash blond to fall backwards. He groaned in pain. Midoriya chuckled and walked up to him. He pulled him back up. To Katsukis surprise he was managed to lift him back up.

Shoto lift up his head, he's eyes widen as he saw Bakugou. Tears fell down Todorokis eyes.

"Bakugou I'm sorry."

"Shoto" he wanted to help Todoroki but he suddenly felt a arm wrapped around his waist. The action made Katsuki shiver. He felt Dekus hand caressing his cheek.

For some reason this made Shoto react. He glared at Midoriya and threaten him. This made Izuku smirk and pull Katsuki closer to him.

"Is there a problem?"

"Let him go you brat! Don't touch him!"

Midoriya chuckled and licked Bakugous neck. "Let's go Kacchan, I'm getting tired of waiting. Let's just go have fun, you promised me~"

Todoroki let out a growl and pulled the chains that hold him back. Bakugou wanted to push the green hair boy away from him but couldn't.


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