Chapter Fourteen: Lies

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Midoriya let out a sigh. He stretched his arms up towards the ceiling.
"So what's this meeting about?!" Izuku yelled with annoyance in his tone. It was 4 in the morning and all Deku wanted to do was cuddle with his Katsuki. "Did you read the files Dabi gave you?"


"Than you should know what's this about." Shigaraki scratched his neck slightly irritated. "That damn freak is running late."

kurogiri, Toga, Shigaraki and Izuku were inside the bar waiting for the other male to show up. Dabi walked inside the tense room. "I arrived." Tomura stood up and glared at him. "What the hell took you so long?!"

"Shut up, I came didn't I?"

"You're such an annoying brat."

"It's not my fault someone decided to arrange a fuckin meeting at 4!"

"It's important-"

"So important that it couldn't wait for a little more hours?"

Shigaraki started to active his quirk along with Dabi. Kurogiri immediately put his gate wrap in front of them to prevent them to attack each other. "You guys argue like a old married couple" Toga added.

"WE DO NOT" They both yelled at the same time. "Hehe, hey Izuku don't you want to marry Katsuki?" Toga looked at the green male who was clearly mad until Kacchan was brought up.

"Huh? What do you mean? W-who told you?!"

"So I am right! I knew is! Dabi you owe me 50 dollars!"

Midoriya blushed and smiled. "Yeah, I guess I am...but i don't know when it should happen...i get kinda nervous mentioning it. And the thought of him staying with me forever, it's just...just-"



"Okay okay, we get it Izuku. Your love life is more better than anyone in this shitty room. Now, can you tell me, why the fuck are we here. Dabi sat down on an empty chair. Tomura growled and sat back down.

"We all know All mights retirement."

Toga:"Yeah that happened a couple of years ago, I believe 9 or 8 years ago."

Shigaraki: "Ever since our master got caught since he fought all might we have not been showing up in the news at all."

Dabi: "So what?"

Shigaraki: "Turns out the stupid society is focused on someone else, someone who's gonna be a threat to us."

Midoriya: "You mean by popularity or-"

Kurogiri: "His name is Mirio he calls himself Lemillion. Ever since all mights retirement he has been going up the hero broad. He is close to becoming the number one hero. He's near midoriya and Toga's age, 28 years old. Endeavor is also thinking of retirement but no knows if its certain. Many heros are dashing for the number one spot but that kid stands out the most."

Dabi: "Tsk"


Toga:"Wait a minute! Isn't Mirio that kid who defeated overhaul!"


Shigaraki: "Yeah"

Toga:"He's in jail because of him, true shame."

Shigaraki: we're not talking about him right now! The point is is that kid has a similar quirk to All might!"

Midoriya: "I believe he has two quirks actually."

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