Chapter Seventeen: Recovery

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"Are you feeling well." Kirishima asked, gaining his vocals back. "Jeez aren't I suppose to ask you that."

The doctors examine Kirishima and told the great news to everyone Eijirou was close to. It's been a week and Kirishima was showing somewhat recovery. They helped him walk and speak again. The class came and did a reunion, they caught him up on what was happening. Even the day Bakugou came back.

"Yeah, this is nothing, I'll be fine" he attempt to do the manly pose he use to do. Bakugou chuckled, "you should eat something" Katsuki grabbed the tray that was on the table. He kicked a chair next to Kirishima so he can sit down. He placed the tray of food on his lap. Eijirou sat up, struggling a bit. He opened his mouth, he heard Katsuki scoff "so your hands still don't work?" He asked jokingly. He grabbed the chopsticks and grabbed a piece of meat that was on top of the rice. He placed his hand underneath the chopsticks making sure it didn't fall. He lead it towards Kirishimas mouth. Eijirou bit down and took the meat into his mouth. Bakugou pulled the chopsticks back out of his mouth and did the same thing over again.

Kirishima had a small blush on his cheek, it wasn't everyday your crush feeds you.

"I'm glad you're back" Eijirou said with his mouth full. Bakugou glanced at the male and looked down.

"Im sorry."

"For what? There's nothing you should apologize for!"

"Because of me you're like're hurt."

"I'm fine trust me, I'm just glad you're here when I woke up." He put his hand under his chin and brought it up towards his face. Bakugou forced a smile, he still felt guilty. "Okay"

Bakugou cheered Kirishima on when he attempted to walk and tried speak more. He was always there when he was recovering. Even if it's seemed he wasn't having any progress. Bakugou hated to leave the hospital sometimes but he let it go. He took Kirishima outside on his wheelchair sometimes, to have small talks and have a picnic for fun. They always enjoyed the view outside and Katsuki was glad he was able to see Kirishima smile and laugh again. Everything was going well for them.

Bakugou was slowly taking his therapist serious (mostly because Eijirou told him to) and tried to communicate to them.

Months slowly turned to years. 3 flew by and Kirishima was finally able to walk Bakugou quickly ran up to him. "You did it!"

"Yeah!" He hugged Kirishima who fell down on his back. They both looked at each other and laughed.
Shoto frowned but immediately turned it to a small smile. "Congratulations Eijirou."

"Thanks bro." His vocals became stronger and his voice more recognizable. Bakugou in the other hand had moved one, slightly. His therapy was working surprisingly. Even if its still in his memory he doesn't see Midoriya any longer, the illusions his mind made disappeared. He was happy he was able to go anywhere he wanted without begin paranoid. The only time he ever thought of him was when someone mention him which never would happen. Things started to look bright for the first time.

"You know, if I actually do get to walk fully maybe I can take you to that dinner place I promise you." He smiled and put a piece of hair behind Bakugous ear. Bakugou smiled, he got off Kirishima and rubbed his neck. "You don't have to-" Kirishima grabbed Katsukis hand and brought it close to his face, looking as if he was going to kiss it. "I'm a man of my word" Bakugou blushed.

A loud cough interrupt the atmosphere. Shoto looked unassumed. Kirishima let go of Bakugous hand. Katsuki got up and brushed his clothing. He reached his hand towards Eijirou to help him up. "You two do realize we're in a public"

"What it's not like we were doing anything." They both chuckled. Shoto rolled his eyes "sure"

The doctors led Kirishima back to his room. Eijirou thanked them and layed down looking up at the ceiling. Bakugou and Shoto went to get some food leaving Kirishima alone. Eijirou didn't really like talking about it but he hated begin alone. He wanted Bakugou to be by his side. To make sure the ash blonde was okay and in care. But that wasn't the only thing we was afraid, everytime he tried to sleep he was scared he won't be able to wake up anymore. He never told anyone about it because he didn't want anyone to see he was weak.

A knock was heard, Shoto and Bakugou went inside the room. Katsuki smiled and ran towards him. He sat down next to him and started to talk to him. Kirishima creased his cheek. Bakugou was surprised at the touch "what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He placed his thumb on Katsukis bottom lip. "Soft.." Eijirou mumbled. Shoto placed his food on the table. He looked at the two and sighed. "Ah Shoto, I don't mean to bother but I need to talk to Katsuki alone." Eijirou said with his typical innocent smile.

"I see, fine. I'll be outside." He mumbled and left the room, leaving the two alone.

"What's up?" Eijirou pulled his hand away from Bakugous face. "It's about Dek- the time I spent before the coma."

"Hmm? "

"I know I didn't want to talk about it but now I feel like you should know."

"You don't have to if you don't want to."

"No, it's just that. Every time I try to remember it hurts my head painfully. I just remember him laughing and making fun of me, taunting me. And the only thing that cross my mind when I was there was that you were doing better than I was. I prayed you'll be free but I-I- all I want to say that I'm so sorry" Eijirou voice broke, he didn't realize but the black haired was crying. Bakugou was too, all he did was wipe Kirishima tears away while repeating telling him it was okay, that he was the one to blame. Kirishima hugged Bakugou tightly. Katsuki, in a little shock, hugged back.

"Hey what's taking you guys so long?" Shoto asked, he was outside for half an hour, he thinks. He went inside the room, the two were in the bed cuddling each other. Kirishima had his arms wrapped around Bakugous waist, Katsuki had his arms wrapped around Eijirous body. They both went to sleep soundly.

Shoto frowned. He rubbed his neck and leaned against the wall. "I guess I'm falling behind again..."

~1129 words~

!!Two more chapters!!

The next two chapters will be short!

R.I.P Shoto

Have a good day/afternoon/night!🍰

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