Chapter Twelve: Love

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*⚠ ANOTHER WARNING⚠ please read*

This chapter also contains smut, not only that but this is an abusive relationship therefore Katsuki gets kinda...well...abused. If you're sensitive to that topic then you should probably stop reading this.

If not then you're either a sadistic bastard or you're actually interested in the plot (but aren't we all sadistics here)
Anyways please do not take this warning lightly Bakugou gets beat my dudes. (More like wiped, it's kinda the same thing tho)

💫You have been warn💫

The same routine repeated. Bakugou wakes up and sees his breakfast besides him, he sometimes eats it and sometimes doesn't. After that, Midoriya comes in the room and plays with Katsuki. Bakugou gets exhausted and ends up falling asleep again. Of course Izuku let's him use the restroom when he wakes up after he finishes his meal but thats all. Besides that he never leaves the room. He doesn't even know when it's day or night. Izuku in the other hand had a whole schedule. He knew what time bakugou woke up because his food was always there once he woke up. But for some reason today wasn't like the other days.

Katsuki woke up to a quiet and dark room. A room that still haunts him even though he faces it everyday. He knew that Midoriya will soon open that door and fuck him until he beg for mercy. Bakugou let out a sigh "what's the point in fighting it anymore. I'm trapped here." He looked over to were the food was supposed to be. Surprisingly the tray wasn't there.

He was confused and stood there for a couple of minutes. Midoriya hasn't yet shown up. 'I either woke up earlier then I needed to or Deku is busy at the moment. Whatever it is it's the perfect time to find a way out.' Bakugou thought to himself. Since izuku always came inside after a couple of minutes Katsuki wakes up he never had the chance to adjust to the dark and see his surroundings. He got off the bed. He wasn't able to go far, matter of fact he only was able to go about 3 inches away from the bed. He adjusted to the dark and realized that the room he was staying in was pretty empty. There was only a closet in the other side of the room and Bakugou had an idea that that's where the 'toys' midoriya uses when he gets bored. Katsuki shivered of the thought about it.

He sat back down on the bed and was left with his thoughts 'i can't use anything here. There's nothing. How can I escape. Think Bakugou, how can you break these chains.' Katsuki raised his hands up slightly. He took a deep breath, it's been a while since he used his quirk. Bakugou focused all his energy and stamina in his palms. His fingers curled up as he continued to try. He felt pain going through his body but he decided to ignore it. He had to leave.

Small light came out of his palms. Small explosions. Like the ones back in elementary school. A smile form in katsukis lips. Even if it was painful to active, he still had his quirk. Bakugou closed his hand making it to a fist. He sudden heard what sound like a broken tile being stepped on.

He immediately felt his heart stop, at least into he realized it was him. He lift up his feet and looked at the broken tile. He reached his hand out to get one of the broken pieces. He was able to get a small but sharp one. Out of curiosity, he touched the tip of the object. His index finger began to bleed and drip on the beds bed sheets. 'It's way shaper then it looks.' He thought as he put his finger in his mouth sucking the blood from the wound.

He grabbed the chain that tired up his left wrist. He open his hand and did small explosions on the chain. He stopped after a couple of seconds. The pain that was caused everytime Katsuki used his quirk was unbearable.

He looked at the sharp piece of object. Bakugou took the piece of the broken tile and used it to make the dent on the chain deeper. The chain wasn't thick nor was it too thin therefore it wasn't going to be too difficult to cut through it since he did use his quirk for a while making the chain weaker.

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