sick at an interview I'M dead ass sick - calum hood

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in this calum is the youngest and Luke is the 2nd youngest 

Luke: 17

calum: 16

ashton :19

Michael: 18

it had been a year sense are band had formed. 


Calums pov


I had woke up late last night and had felt like shit and stuff and today we had a shit ton of interviews. I had heard my name being called. CALUM,CAL,KIWI,CALUM wake up we go shit to do. it was Luke i grumbled and rolled over and grumbled "Luke i don't feel good" classic hood now get your lazy ass up we got crap to do. I crawled/fell out of bed and thought fine I'll put up with it. I couldn't believe Luke didn't believe me what a jerk. in the first few parts of the interview I felt my stomach twist. i pulled my knees to my chest and put my head in them TV or not I felt like shit and wanted cuddles. 

Chelsea (the interviewer) : Calum are you alright.

Calum: *in his knees* yeah I'm fine  just a little head ach

I lied what I wanted to say is "no I'm not okay I feel like shit and wanna die because I hate this" that very second I gagged and then just swallowed it hard and asked "may I use the restroom" thank  god Chelsea said yes and seen me gag  or I think the world would see chunks and it would go virile on twitter. I just made it to the restroom before I fell to my knees in front of the toilet and vomited. I thought to myself there goes breakfast now more like barfest. I coughed hard and curled up into a ball ad cried. I heard a knock on the door it was Ashton. I didn't answer and so he came in he seen me curled up and that I had puked. he came running over and sat down by me and tried to comfort me. "kiwi it's okay calm down shhh" why didn't you tell one of us you didn't feel good mate. I-I-I tried but Luke didn't believe me I chocked. Ashton looked pissed and so I was crying in his lap. Ashton said hey mate I'll be back I'm gonna go tell Luke to get his ass in here. I managed to get out okay before the 2nd round of puke came up. Luke started to walk in complaining and then seen me shakily hovering over the toilet puking out whatever I had in me for the life of me. He ran over to me bent down and rubbed my back  and apologizing "oh cal I'm sorry I didn't believe you". I got out in between gags "it it's o-okay Luke". we heard a knock on the door ash opened it, it was Chelsea  she seen calum and said "oh no calum I'm sorry are you okay? do you need anything?" with me being sick I was grochey no I am not okay and can you please get me some water" Luke looked at her "sorry he's never in a good mood when he's sick and doesn't feel well" she was nice about it and said "it's fine Understand". Ash went to talk to her about the show and interview. She said that I didn't have to talk and just lay on the couch and the other boys could  talk and continue or I could be in it and get up and go when I needed to. I nodded to the second one but asked if i was able to lay down in the interview. she nodded and said I spouse that you could do that Calum. I said thanks then she ran and got the water and through it at Michael and he helped me take a few sips. then we were back to finish the thing we had  2 hours  left and none of us were to happy we felt really bad for calum  but the sooner we finished the dumb day he could rest. Luke sat next to calum to help him if he needed it and just played with his hair  the hole interview and helped him multiple times. after about 20 minutes calum felt something go up his throat.  He shot up and made a mad dash for the bathroom Chelsea heard ashton mumble "aww fuck" under his breath  and gave luke a small thumbs up he after  ran after calum. by the time Luke got there calum was over the toilet wrenching but nothing was coming up Luke bent down to his level "kiwi this may hurt a bit okay" I nodded Luke lightly pushed down on my stomach and made it twist all a sodan I threw up the water  I had drank and the medication Chelsea had gave ash to give me. after a few minutes of puking up my guts and  dry heaving I stood up and rinsed out my mouth and washed my now very pale face and took a few sips of water we  went back. Chelsea gave me a small smile and lipped "I'm sorry"  I lipped back "it's fine and by the way I like you" she smiled and lipped "I like you to" and made heart hands. I gave her a faint half smile. Ashton whisperer to me "hey you got yourself a fan" and winked I whisperer back "fuck you asshole" and smiled he smiled back and rolled his eyes at me and I acted as if I was amended. then whisperer "why do I like this fucking band" Chelsea heard and giggled at it and smiled I smiled back I seemed like "hey calum is fine" no, no I am not I still feel like total SHIT. after that day was done Calum felt like total Shit and went back to the house and rested and in with a couple weeks he was feeling a lot better but then they went to see one direction and niall had, it and calum went around with the shit again. GRATE!!!

hi guys this is the longest chapter I have like ever written sorry I know I'm a super bad writer but whatever enjoy my crappy writing and NEW BOOK yay ok bye guys with love - Violet 



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