Bus Crash- CALM

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Michael's POV                                                                                                                                                                we just got out of school and we got on the bus. I gave the bus driver my bus pass he punched it. But the thing is I smelt alcohol on his breath  and in general. I went to step back but the teacher was there so I went and sat down.  Ashton Came and sat my me and had a nervous look as well so maybe he smelt it to. he turned to me and said "did the bus driver smell like alcohol to you to" he said that to me because I'm the one with the most sensitive smell. I nodded in response. we had dropped off two thirds of the kids on the bus. So there was me, Ashton,Calum and Luke and siblings so Mali Calum's sister, Ben and Jack Luke's older brothers and Harry and Louran Ashton's siblings and some redhead girl and her brothers she was in are science class and are friend's Chelsea,  Violet and Stella. We were going down the high way and Chelsea jumped over a few seats so she and Violet were in front of us and Stella was in front of them gazing at Ashton who she ever so clearly liked. We all started to talk. then the bus crashed. It hit a semi Head on and the bus flipped. I think I'm okay but I have so slight pain on my side. then everything went black for me. 

Ashton's pov                                                                                                                                                                   Mike passed out I'm not at least, yet. I think I broke my arm and maybe a lower rib or two but other than that I'm fine. Loren has a huge cut on her head she'll probably need stitches. Harry's passed out he's probably got a broke wrist it I can't tell from where I am. Calum's awake he's currently trying to get out of the seat where him and Mike were he's sorta succeeding but failing he keeps falling when he puts weight on his right ankle, it might be broke. Luke was at the front of  us because he wanted to sit by Stella, he's passed out I think, he better not be dead what if he is okay Ashton do as your mom taught you stay clam in bad situations and that's what you need to do now.

*about an hour later*
Calum finally got out and is now sitting by me he got his phone he some how snuck into are school somehow. He called 911 an they were on there way thank the heavens. We heard sirens. Michael came out from his little pass out fit, he's awake. He looked really drowsy. The rest of them had passed out only me, Calum and Michael then I herd my name  "Ashton, Ash, Ashton" it  sounded like Luke. I looked up and seen him yep defiantly Luke. So the four of us were awake the redheaded girl and her siblings are passed out maybe dead. Ben and Jack are half awake but half still passed out, mainly passed out. Mali she's next to Chelsea witch both of them were knocked unconscious by the fore of Stella and Luke hitting there seat and a bunch of glass hitting there head. Then we have Violet she's waking up but it's hard to tell if she's going to make it with the amount of blood she's lost I hope she makes it. "Ashton please Ash, brother" I hear in a feminine voice my name and brother at the end of it was one of my siblings clearly Loren. I look back and see that Loren is awake. "Hey what's up sissy" I ask. "It hurts" she choked out. "what does sissy?" I question her. "My head and my stomach and a lot of other things." she stated. "where's your stomach hurt?" I ask. "Well I am on my period so it's probably just cramps so t's making everything hurt worse." her eyes showing her shear embarrassment. "Well that's answered your head hurts because or your cut a d everything else hurts because your on your female time and your position" I say, she nodded in response. The paramedics finally got to us. they checked the bus driver yep he's dead. Then moved to the redheaded girl and her brothers, she died and so did 3 of her brothers one of them made it the youngest he was crying and fighting the paramedic because his twin brother died, but they soon got him. They then moved onto Chelsea and Mali passed out and some minor Ingres. So they then moved on to Violet who was barley breathing and was about dead I hear Calum scream "NO VIOLET PLEASE BE OKAY PLEASE I NEED YOU PLEASE DON'T DIE" he was crying now, poor Calum him and Violet have been very close sense they were young and she liked Calum but never said anything to him. Paramedic one looked up at Calum sadly and said "I'm sorry Hun she just took her last breath she lost to much blood and couldn't get air to her lungs from blood loss" he started to cry extremely bad I've known Calum for about 4 years now and he's never cried in front people that I know of. They moved on to Jack and Ben they were fine just a few broken ribs and Jack had a broken arm and Ben a leg. So they moved to Harry and Loren, Loren was fine but she was injured, Harry was sick at school and then this made his heart rate speed up and his blood pressure was out of the roof. Harry better not die on me goddammit.  So they moved to Luke who was in front of us he was just injured but basically fine. Then after what felt like forever ages they got to us. They examined Cal first one of the other one's was examining Mike I was well felt fine I could wait. I was right Calum did brake his right ankle and sprained his left wrist. Mike had two broken top ribs on his left side and he had a cut that needed stitches. Now on to me. I had a couple broken ribs and a cut on the top of my left arm that needed stitches and I had a fractured arm so it wasn't broken but it was fractured. We all got sent to the hospital and once they put me on oxygen I passed out,  so over to Luke. 

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