he gets carsick with you and the boys -Luke hemmings

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The boy's had a long car ride longer than there usual one's but lucky none of us get car sick. I sat in the back with Luke and calum and the rest were in different places. we were probably 2 hours into our 6 hour car trip and luke had been clingy towards calum I figured it was nothing I looked at luke and he was sweating buckets! 

   "Can we turn the AC on it's hot back here?" calum asked and so the driver did and I shivered and calum did to Ashton looked back and whispered 

"If your cold why did you ask for the AC on?"  Calum nudged to Luke 

"Oh no again ugg out of all car trips" Ashton whispered harshly 

"what is it ash?" I asked 

"Car sick he sometimes gets car sick in long long car rides" Ashton answered and I nodded 

"Cal you should know that he's your boyfriend!" Ashton said 

"I forgot because we always fly and mikes the one who gets air sick, It's luke gets car sick Mike gets air sick and me and you don't really get sick!" Calum stated I was there because I was dating Michael but Calum was my cosine so I wanted to be with him. Michael was asleep layer across one of the seats Luke was being a cuddle freak to Calum as I would say #cake they were cute. Luke started to move in his sleep and Calum nudged Ashton to give him the warning I went to the wall. Luke woke up.

Lukes POV
I woke up and my stomach hurt to tell you the truth I felt like I was gonna hurdul! I layed ny head on calums shoulder I think he knew what was wrong because he kinda held me. Y/n was sitting by the wall.

"Excuse me but Dave can you pull over Luke doesn't feel the best and feels sick do you think you could please pull over?" Ashton asked.

"If I have to Mr. Irwin!" Dave replied.

"Well you might want to unless you want to clean up puke!" Ashton stayed in a sassy tone. So Dave pulled over I climbed out not wanting to be sick Calum climbed out after me and patted my back

Calums POV
I climbed out after Luke knowing he didn't want to get sick so I went and patted his back. He ended up throwing up 5 times before we got back in the car he fell asleep again on me witch I didn't mind my pengiun was sick I stuck pengy next to Luke it helped him sleep I love that boy to death. The rest of the car ride was smooth sailing luke just slept.

Hey guys Violet here and I am so sorry I've been taking so long to update and so yeah I have more coming and yeah the dumb internet keeps going in and out from all the storms. Dumb internet ok bye

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