Daddy- Talent (one direction) (Tomilson, horAn,styLes,paynE,zayN,one direcTion)

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This one is an age play kinda

Niall- 5

Harry- 24

Louis- 24

Zayn- 16

Liam- 16

Louis and Harry are married and Liam and Niall are there kids and Zayn is Liam's boyfriend. ok now on to writing my book.

Harry's POV

"Daddy, papa" I hear my youngest say. Niall and liam had gotten a colds but Liam was better his immune system was strong like that. Niall on the other hand was a complete different story. Me and Louis both got up and walked up the stairs and got to our youngest boys room. Liam and his boyfriend Zayn came after us to see if little Niall was okay.
"DADDY, DADDY, PAPA,PAPA, DADDY PAPA" Niall scram and wailed from his room I bent down next to him and he got sick 1. From screaming and crying 2. He was just sick. Louis took him and cleaned him up and Zayn, Liam and me cleaned him bed up.
"Thanks you too I know it's dinner time and so I'll go make dinner for me , you two, and Lou once I get ni to lay down" i said.
"Pops please you know Niall doesn't lay down when he's sick he's gotta be cuddled and stuff and he's getting that cough I had and Zayn when he had it last month!" Liam answered
"Yeah Mr. Tomilson" Zayn answered after. I nodded.
"We can make or get dad to make us dinner!" Liam said and Zayn nodded. As soon as we stopped talking Lou came in with Niall who was half asleep with his thumb on the tip of his lips he may have been 5 but that habit was hard for him to break but he doesn't really put his thumb in his mouth just to the tip of his lips and that's all!
"Awe" I heard the couple say then they left the room. Liam had came out about being pansexual to us when he was 13 we we're fine with it because we'll me and Lou were bisexual and married to each other.
Louis' POV

After fighting Niall to stay awake so I could give him a quick bath witch was really hard! I got got him dressed and then took him to his room he put his thumb to his lips and was half ass out. He had one thumb to his lips and the other one to me! I went in and laid him in his bed and sat on the floor pulling the trash bucket out of his closet sitting it next to his bed. He stayed asleep all night at least.
Liam's POV

I was worried about Niall. Sure I had the same thing but he has it worse. I stopped thinking as Zayn kissed me knowing I was worried he always made me happy and made me stop thinking of the worse or the bad. That's one reason what I love him! I heard my pops sighing and that meant Niall was either up or he was sick.
"Hey Dad what's wrong with baby Niall?" I said
"He wants to cuddle but your pops but he can't do the sick" my dad said. I nodded. Zayn laid his head on my shoulder and I kissed his forehead. Then dad ran up to Niall's room and so on are day went. I went and made us dinner and then went and laid on the couch Zayn came and jumped on me. I smiled at him and kissed him. He just laid on the couch and watched TV. Till dad came running down to grab the sick bucket. Ni must have gotten sick.
Harry's POV

Niall woke up and he almost immediately throw up. He throw up what little water and food that we had gotten into him. Lou ran and got the sick bucket and I put new pajamas on Niall. I carried him to mine and louis' bed and he suggled right up to me for the body heat he wanted the fevers point.
"Daddy my tummy hurts" Niall mumbled. I looked at him and played with his hair. I sighed as Louis walked in with the sick bucket and sat it by the end of our bed Niall was cuddled up to me and I as playing with his hair. I looked at Lou.
"You wanna lay with him so I can run to the store and get some medicine and a new thermometer and to see if the boys would like anything and I'll drop em off at zayn's dad's house?" He nodded then laid with Niall. I ran into the living room slipping on some shoes I think they were a pair of Liam's it's sad when you 16 year old boy where's the same shoe size as his dad, well zayn's twin the same age as them that Zayn though Liam was into has the same shoe size as her mum and dad. I looked and the couple was out in the couch cuddling. I hated to wake them but I had to. first throwing on a jacket, I shook Liam lightly.
"Hey buddy wake up Zayn and meet me in the car I just got off the phone with his mum and you can stay there for a couple days Kay?" He sleeplessly nodded. 5 minutes later they came and got in the back seat Liam and Zayn fell back to sleep again. I stopped at the store the boys woke up and went in Liam and Zayn got drinks. While I got the thermometer and medicine. Liam had just got over this stuff and I was hoping he wasn't catching it again he had a slight cough so I gave him some cough meds and some cough drops. Maybe it was just a cough. We got to zayn's dad's house and they would be alone till 11 to 12 that's why Liam had his phone if anything bad happened he could call me. They got out.
"Thanks Mr. Tomlinson-Payne" Zayn said. I smiled.
"Please Zayn you've been around us a long anuff time you can call me and Louis well Harry and Louis or uncle or dad or ya know anything" I said akwardly. He nodded and smiled.
"Okay thanks harry!" I smiled.
"Thanks pops see ya later love you" Liam said smiling.
"Bye love you to" I said back. They waved and I drove back to the house.
Louis' POV

Niall stayed asleep after Liam left. He got sick right after he left. Niall moved him his sleep and mumbled something. I rubbed his tummy and coded at him.
"Shh it's okay baby Niall, your okay" he stopped moving and cuddled up to me. I held him waiting for Liam to get home. I got a text from Liam.
(L- louis, h- harry)
H- hey I'm on my way home baby I love you I'll be home in a few minutes just got on are road no I'm not texting and driving I'm pulled over at the veggie place and I'll be home in a few minutes. Love you bye

L- okay love bye.

*Back to the house*
Niall stayed asleep for the hour harry was gone. Niall woke up as I was dozing off. He got up and went to the bathroom. I heard him crying. I opened the door as he was done going potty he flushed then washed his hands. I didn't get it he was such a clean kid and he hated being sick why did he always get sick I just don't get it. He then came to me crying.
"What's wrong baby boy?" I asked he looked up at he from hugging his legs and his face was so sad he had tears and his blue eyes were dark and gray not there normal bright blue I held him and picked him up. He sniffled and then looked down. I was concerned Niall was never sad he was always a energy full of it kid. Why him? His happyness he always brought that to a room he also brought sadness.
"I sorry I a burden papa I not mean be one I sorry I take you an daddy's time and make take time out o work I sorry papa." He said with tears in his eyes. I gasped and looked at him.
"Niall your not a burden me and daddy love you and it's not your fault you get sick! Our works understand baby it's okay!" I said. He just hugged me. harry came up the stairs and seen him and me he gave me a qestioning look. I looked at Niall and he was asleep. I took him to me and Harry's room and then went back to harry. "You should have heard him he thinks he's a burden because he's always getting sick and we have to take time off work! It was so sad baby!" I said harry gasped like me when I head are little 5 year old say it. He shook his head.
"I explained he wasn't one and that he was our baby and we loved taking care of him!" I said and he nodded. "Good!" He said then smiled. We went downstairs I made us something to eat and then we went to the couch and then we watched Amarican horror story hotel. It was okay I got up to go check on niall. He was still asleep. After a few day of a lot of rest Liam came back and Niall was better and going to preschool again and it was all good in the Tomilson house hold again!
Hey guys it's violet! I'm sorry I know it's been a long time but I've been busy and I've been working on this. So yeah I need requests! Please ok bye have a wonderful day love you guys!

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