kiss it better- muke

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Michael's POV

It all started when I woke up to the sound of coughing. I thought maybe it was calum or Ashton because they have Asma so I didn't think to much. of it. But I got up anyways I walked to Ashtons bunk and nothing and then calums bunk not a sound so I walked through the 1D boys all of them nothing so my last person was Luke I walked to his bunk and BINGO! It was Luke. I stepped up closer to his bunk putting the bucket next to it. Hoping for the best but prepared for the worst I opened it and he finally ended his coughing fit. I held him in my arms and he cuddled up to me
"What are you doing up Mikey?" Luke asked.
"I woke up up from your coughing and wanted to check on you baby" I said kissing his head.
"Oh no I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." He said sounding sad.
"It's okay baby" I said holding him.
"But are you sick or is it allergies or what baby?" I asked worried he was sick. He shrugged.
"I don't know Mikey I had a stomach ache yesterday and earlier today and my head hurt and I had a sore through and I still do." He said teary eyed. I patted his back and then held him close and we fell asleep cuddling. I woke up to the sound of Luke crying.
"What's wrong baby?" I asked.
"I'm sorry Mikey I'm sorry" he said back I soon caught on he got sick on both of us.
"Oh no baby it's ok let's go get both of us cleaned up okay?" I said he nodded. We both got up and I carried him to the bathroom. And then we cleaned us up. We got dressed I had to help him and he fell asleep. All I heard from him before I feel into a deep sleep hoping my sranny sick boyfriend would feel better was a simple "I love you. Please kiss it better" I loved him

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