brain tumor- niall

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Niall's POV
I hadn't felt like myself lately. I figured with us touring and all it was probably just stress or something. I wasn't sure. I was getting ready for the show and I had a slight head ache I've had it for about a week or so but again I didn't think much of it.

*Skip to show*

We were singing what makes you beautiful and I got light headed and everything went black.
Liam's POV
I looked over at Niall and he didn't look so good. His face was pale and he did look like the happy little Irish boy we usually had. He had been acting a bit funny but he said he was fine. So I went back to singing. The next thing I knew it was Niall's turn and he was singing and then it just stopped. He passed out and was shaking. My guess was he was having a seizure. We got him back stage and I called 911. Shit I couldn't lose Niall!! He was not only my best mate but my fucking boyfriend!! He had stopped shaking but he was still passed out. He had wet himself and looked fucking dead. We all were crying and trying to keep calm I don't think it was working very well. The ambulance got there and they took him to the hospital  they said no one could go with. Damn it must have been bad. We followed behind. After getting to the hospital and waiting for what felt like millions of years a nurse came out.

"All for Niall Horan" she said and we all practically ran to her.

"Hello I'm nurse Susie and your friend Mr. Horan had a grand mal seizure which is one if the worst types to have. Anyways the thing that caused it was a tumor. A brain tumor to be exact. And to save your friend from possibly dying we're going to have to do surgery is that okay?" Nurse Susie asked.

"Yes thats fine!! We just want him better" I answered not even talking to the boys.

"Okay come with me I would like for you to meet his surgeon" nurse Susie said and we followed her. She took us to Niall's room. He looked lifeless laying there it hurt my heart so much.

"This is surgeon septiceye"  nurse Susie said (A/N sorry if any of you I had to)
We smiled at him.

"We better get him to surgery now" nurse Susie said and we went to the waiting room. The boys went to get some food but I wasn't hungry. They tried to get me to eat but I wouldn't.

*3 hours later*

"Here for Niall Horan" a nurse said.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard his name. We all went to her.

"You may see him" she said we went to his room. He had so many tubes and wires to him. If I could I would have that be me instead if him. I started to cry. Quiet so the boys didn't see nor hear but it was my boyfriend laying there lifeless. After an hour Niall woke up and I hugged him.

"Damnit niall you scared us to fucking death you dick head" Harry said with a smile and we all laughed.

After a few weeks or so Niall got out of the hospital. And he was normal Niall again even if he had to be a bit more careful.
Hey guys Vella here and I really like this chapter it's gotta be one of my favs anyways thank you to _Dark_Angel_101_ for the request. It was a fun chapter to write and again if anyone has any recommendations please tell me I've hit writers block still!!

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