sick-liam payne

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Liam's POV

Cold, fever, sweat dripping down my face, bucket next to me, red dry eyes,stuffy red noes, cough, sore throat, pounding head ache, and an upset stomach. How could they not tell I was sick? Was my band plan out stupid? (A.N sorry to interrupt but I love 1D, no hate). I laied in my bed. Harry was downstairs cooking, Louis and Niall are messing around, Zayn was spray painting a drawing, and as for me Mr. Liam Payne well I'm in bed sick. I wobble my way downstairs feeling ill to tell the boys. I sit in the couch. Harry came over and sat down I should tell him I really should. "Hazza?" I more or less wisper "hmmmm yeah li li?" He said looking "I don't feel well" I say and he looks.  "Liam stop your fucking faking for attention!" Harry yelled... I looked down starting to cry. Harry thought I was faking! How the fuck? So he's gonna yell at me for being "fake" sick and not yell at Louis when he's really not sick! I walk up to my room barring the sobs in my chest. I all of a sudden feel light headed and my stomach churing I want to run to the bathroom but everything just went black.
Zayn's POV

We heard a thud from upstairs so we ran up to see what the hell was going on. We looked all over and then I checked Liam's last. He was laying and looked dead! Fuck he better not he. I almost started my CPR training 30 compressions and 2 breaths (A.N true note CPR is 30 compressions and 2 breaths) but I seen he was still breathing. He was pale and laying on the floor next to a puddle of vomit. I looked to Harry. It dawned on me why  he yelled he said Liam was fake sicking that asshole! I picked up Liam and got him to come back and helped him bathe and I made Harry clean up the vomit he can hate me latter he should have believed Liam! After a few days of him having the stomach bug he was good again well that's what we thought. Harry was still being an ass to him and Liam was starting to refuse help from any of us dame Harry you ass! Liam passed out again. Shit! I couldn't get him back this is hard shit shit shit! I picked up Liam and the boys got the hint when I started ti freak out. We were taking him to the hospital. No bought he needed help! We got there and checked him in. He woke up and broke down saying sorry for refusing.

"You shouldn't have faked and we ould have believed you at first!" Harry said! I looked at Harry.

"Shut your fucking mouth if you would have believed him in the first place I'm sure we wouldn't have been here but no you had to be an ass to him and now we are here so it's your fault dick!" I yelled at Harry. I was pissed Harry was being such an ass.

"Stop fighting both if you it's my fault" Liam said weekly. And we did we all hugged and Liam seemed to get better but not that quick it was a week or so before he got to go home and was ALL better!
So no I don't hold any grudge against Harry but he was someone to use I love all of the boys but I wanted one of them to be a jerk so Harry was chosen. Abd I would like to thank user06033028

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