camping- Michael

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ashtons pov

mike had been really car sick and I was hoping it was just carsickness but with mike it was always hard to tell. I woke up and then got out of my tent yes i got my own because I voted on sleeping in the tent with the luggage calum and luke shared a tent then mike got his own calum and luke wanted to be in the same tent so me and mike call it the CAKE tent plus we had no other tents. I got out and Cal was already making breakfast, luke was starting a fire and Mike must have still been in bed because he was no where in site. I heard a cough and looked back and realized it was from mikes tent I shrugged it off.


Michael's pov 

I didn't want to come out of my tent I felt  like crap I was gonna stay in this tent till ash got his ass over here to "wake" me up. I rolled over and opened my tent widow to see them all sitting around the camp fire except cal he was cooking and he said "who's gonna wake up mikey" even the smell of food made me wanna get sick but I held it back. Ash volunteered to come wake me up I zipped the window back up and acted to be asleep I nuzzled into my sleeping bag. I hear ashton walking to my tent  and whistling I was thinking "do I wanna tell ashton no I'll be fine" then ashton unzipped my tent and lightly shook my a gowned and then said "ashton stop shaking me i feel feel sick"   "aww no mike so it wasn't just car sick buddy" I shook my head "do you think you can come out here so you can come get some food and see if that can help" I nodded and thought to myself "no I can't eat" but I went with it. I walked out and shivered and it was the middle of summer. I sat by the fire and luke looked at me and said "god mikey you look like a fucking ghost"  "thanks luke not all of us look perfect when we wake up  Mr. perfect" luke rolled his eyes. Then calum said the 3 words I never wanted to hear "food is ready" I nearly screamed noooooooooo but didn't I ate A half a pice of french toast before I nearly puked but swallowed and said nope I'm not hungry anymore. I got up and paused half way there and throw up my breakfast and dinner I had ate. I felt a hand on my back. It was luke I pushed him away I only wanted ash. Just then ash walked up behind luke and said I got him don't worry you know he only likes me when he's sick. Luke nodded and went and sat back down by calum.


Luke's pov

I felt really bad for mike when he's sick he the worst out of all of us. Now he's sick and away from home it's gonna be ten times worse. just then I heard  mike refusing Ashton damn this kid can never make up his fucking mind could he I've been with mike seance year 2 I know how he is when he's sick he's a bit of a bitch but never refused ashton. Now I knew something was wrong. I walked back over and bent down near him once he stopped throwing up and whisperer to him "hey man whats wrong I know you don't ever refuse ashy when your sick" he looked up at me with the saddest eyes I nearly cried myself. He said "I just don't want ashy I want cali" "but Mikey you know that calum gets sick super easily" "I know But I want  caliy please" "oh Mikey" he feel into my arms crying. I looked up at ash who was looking at calum who was about crying himself. After about an hour of crying mike and him wanting calum he fell asleep in my arms. Ashton took him and put him in his tent and stayed there with him. Me and cal finished eating and cleaned up camp. After about 2 hours ashton came running out with mike in his arms but the thing was mike was asleep I think.  Ashton came running up to us and says "so mike had a really high fever 104.5 f and and he passed out on me" you could tell Ash was freaking out  I tried to calm down ash but lets face it I was freaking out to. Calum went and grabbed a bag of ice from the cooler and put it under his neck and said "okay stay calm that's how you solve this and get mike into some cooler clothing and wait for him to gain his coshence back" wow who would have thought calum would know these things we nodded and ash took mike into his tent and changed him into a tank top and shorts then soon came out. Calum put the ice under his head again. I thought mike wake your ass up and be okay. Soon after 2 and a half minutes of being out he woke up. I nearly scram Oh thank god mike your alive but I didn't. He shivered and made grabby hand twords Calum and he went with it how stupid is he he's gonna get himself sick just then calum glared at me its like this kid was a mind reader. Mike was awake but half ass delirious it was probably from his high fever but who the fuck knows with him. It was lunch time and mike had already thrown up like 4 times but Ashton was making sure he stayed hydrated for sure. Ashton told  me to take Mikey because he had to answer the phone so I did.
Ashton's POV
I looked at the phone and it was john well fuck I thought. So I told Luke to take mike and such he had been really clingy to calum we told him don't take your winey as to me and luk if you get sick he said okay. John said that they wanted us for some interviews but I said well sorry we got sick mike and can't do that he comes before are job. John said okay and hung up I went back to the boys mike was asleep on calum's lap and cal sat there playing with his hair it had became dinner time and we had to eat not mike but me, luke and cal did so I got up and made dinner something simple. And we ate !like stayed asleep through it all but one part he got up and went to the bathroom and through up again and yeah he took care of him self I was shocked. After a couple of da,ys he was all better and no one else got it thank God.
I know its been a while and I'm sorry been super busy and yeah so busy its been this and that resently. Well o hope you like it and yeah so bye bye guys love you keep being happy and amazing fans and the perfect ok bye bye - vi

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