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Calum's POV
I had taken care of Michael while he was sick and now j was feeling it. I have had a stomach ache all day and felt like I was gonna be sick but nothing has come up.

"Ashy..." I whined.

"Yes cal?" He asked

"I feel sick" I said.

"Cal you just want attention so your acting so stop!" Ashton said annoyed.
I felt like crying and walked to my bunk.

*A few hours later*

I woke up sense we had sound check. As we practiced I fell asleep on Michaels shoulder. They woke me up when it was time for the show. I practiced and then we went and got ready for the actual show. The fans paid so I was gonna preform

*Time skip into the end of sound check*

I went off stage to use the bathroom. I threw up about ten times and then it all went black.

Luke's POV
Calum went to the bathroom he had said he didn't feel well but we all thought he was faking. This was probably part of the act. But I went to find him I checked the bathroom and I seen he was passed out over the toilet with sick over his face. The poor thing really was poorly. I carried him and put him on the sink Washing the sick off his face. Then he came to. I hugged him.

"I'm sorry we didn't believe you kiwi" I said and pulled him in a hug.

" 'tis okay Luke" he said.

*Time skip to the show*

We played two songs but cal wasn't gonna Make it. So we went back to the bus. Michael carried him. When he got back he was already asleep in Mike's arms so we just laid him in his bunk and we went to watch a movie.

*Time skip 3 hours later*

Calum came in and laid his head in Michaels lap and watched a few movies before we all were out. Soon after a week Calum was better and we had a show that got rescheduled.

Hey guys it's Vella. And thank you so much to nurse2020 for the request if anyone else has any please tell me so I can get them up because I have hit writers block on this book a bit. I'm writing as I think if them or as I get the requests. Thank you for understanding and for the help.

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