Calum sick with Mali

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Calum's POV

Mom and dad went out of town for a while. She left me and Mali. So we had the house to are selves witch was okay. Mom was nervous to leave us alone because she know's that I get sick easy but we made her go. But the day after she left I started to not feel well I wasn't telling Mali because she would skip work and I don't want her skipping work for me. I'm currently in my room laying on my bed because I feel like crap. Then Mali knocks on my door I look up and say "Come in" she opens the door and peps her head in and Smiles at me and says "Hey Cal Dinners ready you should eat because I haven't seen you eat all day are you getting sick? if so please tell me I wont be mad" she gestures to me I think for a minute do I really wanna tell her No so just go eat and only take a little bit. "No I'm fine just a little head ach and I ate today" I said trying to hide the fact that I was sick it seemed to work she nodded and walked back to the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen slowly when I got there I went in and Only got a couple scopes of the stew. Mali looked at me strange my bowl wasn't even half full. "I'm not very hungry" I say. I eat what I grabbed and go to my room and lay back on my bed. I feel sick so I get up and go to the bathroom and stopped at the door because Mali was in there my stomach turned. and I ran to the Trashcan but when I was about there I vomited and Mali came running out and grabbed a bucket. When I was done she took me to her room and  put a bucket by my side and put a washcloth on my fore head witch I refused but she insisted. "Calum how come you didn't tell me you were sick?!" she shouted at me. I winsed because when she's mad at me it's for a good reason yeah it was I was sick and didn't tell her. "I-I-I don't know I didn't want you to cancel work for me I thought I was fine I'm sorry" I said trying not to cry but I ended up crying with tears running down my face. She pulled me into a hug. She realized after that I had vomit on my shirt she went into my room and grabbed me a shirt and pair of joggers and told me to change and then she grabbed a shirt and shorts to change into then she went out I changed and then she came back in it was one of Luke's Narva  shirt I had forgot I borrowed it and I hadn't gave it back yet. The good thing is it smelt like luke to so I always had something to remembered him by when he's not close.  I'll admit it I always kinda had feelings towards Luke but he didn't feel the same. Mali went out again this time on the phone she better not be calling mom and dad. She came back into the room and layed down next to me asking me how I felt My answer not well. "get so rest bubba" she told me so I closed my eyes and soon I fell asleep. I was woke up by Mali who gave me a look. I looked down and realized I had thrown up in my sleep on myself this was so embarrassing. she helped me up and told me to shower really quick. So I did and she washed the sheets and she cleaned my clothes. She called Luke and he was on his way over his brother said he would take him over here for a bit. I got out of the shower and got dressed and walked out to the couch and layed down no sooner than that Luke Came in I was half asleep. He climbed in on the couch behind me and Mali put in a movie. I was asleep. Luke played with my hair and calmed me from being sick. About 2 hours later I woke up and and had a burning throat Mali looked at me and gave me the look of what's wrong. "It burned" I said horsly because of my throat. she went and grabbed the throat spry that tasted like dead fish in my opinion. I took it then cuddled back up to Luke who was playing with my hair. I seen his adorable messy hair I couldn't help but blush a little bit. Mali said "hey he has color to his face he must be feeling better" and she smiled at me and winked. I glared at her and Luke just smiled.  I fell back to sleep but I woke up when Luke went to get up because Luke had to leave. I opened my eyes and sat up for Luke he hugged me goodbye and told me to feel better soon. I sat up and looked at the clock it was only 8 at night but I had a podding head ach and everything hurt. Mali looked at me and said "CAKE HODDING'S" I rolled over to hide the fact I was blushing madly. I went to bed but in the middle of the night I woke up and got sick all over my bed. I didn't think Mali heard I got up and changed my outfit. I went to Mali's room and woke her up I felt really bad I was old anuff to clean it myself "What is it bubby?" she asked I look at her with tears in my eyes she reached up and pulled me into a hug "What is it baby brother I'm not gonna be mad what is it" she said a few times "I-I got sick in my sleep over me and the bed I got changed but I can't do the bed I'm sorry I really am sissy I'm sorry" I said "Hey, Hey it's okay I'm not mad thing happen it's not your fault" She cooed I calmed down. She layed me down and went to clean it. She came back and I was out. I think she took a picture! In a few day after vomiting my guts out and sleeping and cuddling I was all better! 


Hi guys UPDATE thank you for the request @stacystonier thank you, you were the only one who commented thank you for that well that's all I have to say really requests make updates faster and you'll get a shout out and follow.  


1: food poisoning - Ashton or luke {comment the name you want or both}

2: Ashton I feel like crap - Michael Clifford 

that's a wrap so tell me witch one I should do next be sure to send in those requests and if you do you wont be sorry because I will write them ok that's all bye :) 

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