Toothpaste pt2

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You and Julia spent a good few hours getting ready, as always. You walked downstairs, gathered any last necessities and waited for Julia. This took ages and you started to get annoyed because you were overheating in your coat.

"Oh my god Julia hurry up!"
"One minute!" Julia exclaimed from somewhere upstairs.
After what seemed like forever, you finally left the house. Excited, you started jogging but realised it required effort so you stopped. Julia caught up with you and laughed.

"What is the plan?" Julia questioned.
"Well I don't know if this will work but we could sneak into the meet and greet section?" you smirked, realising how devious the plan was.
"Klaudiaaaa! We can't do that"
A cheeky grin was written all over your face as you burst into a fit of laughter.

Finally, you arrived at the venue and the place was filled with the screams of ecstatic fan girls.
"Oh god, I don't want it to look like we're fan girls" you worry.
"It's fine, we're obviously not" Julia smirks.

You notice that some of these girls were leaving the venue instead of entering so you stop one and ask what's happening.
"The show is over, it's the meet and greet now" A blonde girl, around your age, responded.
"We're just in time" you turn and wink at Julia who just lets out a loud sigh.

This was a stupid plan bit it was worth trying. You notice that there was only one bodyguard at the door so you both decide that whilst one is distracting him, the other will slip past him. Juli agrees to distract the bodyguard whilst you simply walk past and enter the meet and greet area.
"Hey, how are you? The weather is nice! Don't you think!? Oh what's you name?" Julia twirls a strand of hair while proceeding to bombard the poor man with questions.
You managed to successfully make your way into the venue and Julia shortly followed as she outsmarted the bodyguard and distracted him from herself.

"Lets just follow the crowd." You laugh and grab Julia's hand to lead the way. You both explode into laughter which causes you to wheeze loudly. Julia couldn't help herself but laugh even more at this bizarre sound. You finally push your way through and spot the boys. You introduce Julia to each one's name.
"Oh the tall one on the end with the brown hair is hottt isn't he?"
"Mmm I prefer the blonde one" Julia replies.
"Ohhh Brook, go on" You wink.

You waited in the line until it was finally your turn to 'meet' the boys.
You walk over to Mikey and Andy and mock "Oh my it's Roadtrip!"
"Klaudia what the hell, hey!" Mikey and Andy laugh.

You walk up to Rye who's already smiling. He hugs you and mutters, "how's my favourite fan?" you both laugh and rejoin the group.
You notice Julia stood awkwardly behind you.
"This is my best friend Julia by the way, we live together."

Julia smiles and shuffles awkwardly. The boys introduce themselves and engage her into a conversation. You realise that you are taking a long time and other fans are waiting for their turn so you sadly say goodbye to the boys. Before you leave, Jack grabs your arm and the boys offer for you both to wait after the meet and greet. You nod and head out to wait outside the venue whilst they finish.

"They're really nice" Julia states.
"And hot" You add with a chuckle.
You both start laughing and talking about meaningless things. Finally, you see the boys walking out the venue. Rye was filming a video of him and Andy and they suddenly notice you. The boys smile and shout your names whilst running towards you. You roll your eyes and laugh as Brooklyn almost trips over.

"Heyyy there strangers" Andy smiles.
"So we need to get back to the bus but we want to be friends with youu, you guys are cooool" Mikey whines.
"Well obviously, you weren't just going to leave and forget about us" you laugh and the boys do the same.
You swiftly exchange numbers and hug each boy.

"This surprise was sickk" Rye smirks and engulfs you with his arms. You bury your head into his chest and let out a small giggle.
You say your goodbyes and depart separate ways with Julia trailing behind. As you get to a reasonable distance away from the boys you both laugh in excitement. You talk about this new friendship all the way home, putting you both in really good moods.

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