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You were sat at home, bored out of your mind. You wanted to go somewhere to eat as you were starving but you couldn't quite decide where. You were texting Rye when suddenly Julia storms in.
"I'm hungry" she crosses her arms.
"MCDONALD'S!" you declare suddenly, making Julia jump.
"Uhh sure?"
"Sorry, but yeah lets go, I want to go, we're going, now" you smirk as you nod your head slowly.
"Um okay lets get the boys" Julia says.

You call Rye and present him with the idea. Mikey and Brook overheard as you were on speaker therefore they started whining down the phone that they wanted to go too. Andy and Jack weren't hungry so they decided to remain at the flat.

You all pushed your way into the squashed, tiny car. Rye claimed the front seat next to you whilst Julia was stuck between Brook and Mikey. Everyone laughs as you turn the radio up. Freaky Friday blasts through the speakers as you sing along, laughing. You snatch Rye's hand as you dance along. He whips out his phone and starts filming you for the Instagram story whilst calling you an irresponsible driver. You laugh and look at the camera.
"Eyes on the road Klaud, I won't let you kill us all" Julia laughs.

As you're all singing and laughing in the car, another car drives suddenly in front of you with no signal lights. You jump from fear and you look at Rye with a gaping mouth. You start shouting at the driver.

"Oh, my, God?! Are you serious? Well done you" you exclaim. Suddenly, everyone erupts into fits of laughter, including you.

"What a frick?" Julia judges.
"You might want to calm down hun" Mikey chuckles at you.
"No don't tell me to calm down and don't call me that, it's disgusting" you evil Mikey as Rye grabs your shoulder, still laughing himself.
Mikey looks at Julia as she rolls her eyes and laughs. You continue the drive, singing at the top of your lungs. Finally, you arrive at the Mcdonald's drive thru, a huge smile forming on everyone's faces.

You meet a lady, ready to take your order. Mikey and Brook climb through to lean to the front as you make your orders one by one.
"Wait what's everyone ordering?" you ask.
"We're ordering separately" Rye answers.
"Yeah but like I just need to know so I can like... know?" you lift your brows as you chuckle.
"No, not today Satan" Julia laughs.

You turn to look at the lady as she looks impatient.
"I want a big mac, and a medium coke and uhhhh... uhh fries" you answer with a smile.
"I want a chicken burger, fries, actually no, a cheeseburger and a coke" Rye smirks. "And your mums number" he jokes as he winks, sending you all into more fits of laughter.

Everyone finishes their orders and you drive to collect them. You all smile as you dig in.
You look over at Julia and her huge order.
"You won't finish that so you know, I'll finish it for you yeah?" You laugh as Julia rolls her eyes.

You start driving off, turning the music louder than last time. Drunk in Love comes on and you shoot Julia a look. You start singing and lift your hands up.

"Woah watch it Klaudiaaa" Rye shouts as he grabs the steering wheel for you. You laugh as he shakes his head. You continue to sing as you take hold of the steering wheel again. Suddenly another car drives into your lane and you start screaming at it.

"Ohh nooo, not again. This is my lane so get out misterrr" you shout in frustration as everyone just laughs at you. Rye holds your thigh as you calm yourself down and continue like nothing happened. You swiftly join in to sing the chorus.
"Drunkkkk in loveeeee" you scream at the top of your lungs as Brook blocks his ears.
Mikey joins in with you and you harmonise. You both laughed and everyone cheered.

The car journey was mainly filled with rants, screams and singing, off key of course.
You finally arrive at the boys' flat and decide to join them for a little while. You all hang out in the kitchen as you fill Andy and Jack in with what happened on the journey. Mikey and Rye remembered to highlight the fact that you almost caused countless accidents.
You return to Rye's room with him and decide to watch Netflix. He pulls you into a cuddle as you bury your head in his chest. He kisses you on the head throughout the film and you smile in response.
He starts to fall asleep so you wake for the fun of it. He groans as you elbow him in an attempt to wake him. You finish the film and snuggle into him as he wraps you tightly in his arms. You and Julia both end up sleeping round the boys' flat.

When you wake up, Rye was gone. You look around the room, puzzled. You scratch your head and yawn as you walk to the kitchen where you find him making you breakfast. You smile as he gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead as a greeting. You lean on the counter as you watch him cook.

Julia soon joins you in the kitchen.
"Could you make some more of that Ryee, you know.. for me?" Julia pleads as Rye chuckles and nods.
She comes up and gives you a hug as you smile and push her away. She pouts and crosses her arms jokingly.

You spend the rest of the morning hanging out with the boys before heading back home to study.

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