Toothpaste (first meeting)

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~Your POV(thoughts)~

Oh nahh mate, as if we ran out of toothpaste. Why the frick does this happen to me. I could just pretend I never noticed... ughh I can't. I'm going to have to get more ain't I? Unless I ask Julia.
"Julieeeeeee!" You shout.
"What do you want?!" Julia whines back.
"Can you get us more toothpaste?!"
"Pahah no you can get it yourself I'm busy"
You let out a groan, knowing too well that Julia's lying, but after a minute you come to terms with the situation. You finish getting ready and head into the vast town centre of Bristol.

As you enter the local supermarket you spot a group of boys messing around. You brush off their behaviour, thinking they're just immature and continue to look for toothpaste.

~Your POV (thoughts)~

What is the actual difference between toothpastes? They all do the same thing right? This will do.

Suddenly your phone buzzes, interrupting your thoughts. Due to fright, you accidentally knock the toothpastes over, making a mess everywhere. An echoing laugh suddenly erupts behind you. You spin round and find the same group of boys staring at you. The laugh was coming from a tall boy with jet black hair. His prominent nose ring twitching as he chuckled. Soon, you join him with laughter. There was no reason for any of you to find it funny but you did so anyway.

After a short minute, your chorus of laughter died down and you were left standing amid a sea of toothpaste tubes. You awkwardly bend to pick up the scattered items and are unexpectedly greeted by another one of the boys. He had a long brown fringe with gentle curls meeting the ends. You look up and gaze into his hazel eyes. He awkwardly chuckles and says "I'll help you." He picks up the tube and reaches to hand it to you. You grab the end yet he wouldn't let go. He starts to laugh and you join him. Finally, he hands it back and you smile and look down to the floor. You can't help but blush.

"Thanks..uhh.." you say.
"Rye" The boy answers with a soft smile.
"Thanks Rye" you reply and smile back.
"And you areee?" questions the boy who previously laughed.
"uhh Klaudia but like a cloud, I don't have claws" you laugh and they all follow.

After a brief small talk you learn the other boys' names. You also find out they're in a band called Roadtrip and that they're currently in Bristol for their show. This shocked you as they seemed so down to earth unlike other bands and singers. But soon you must separate and head home.

You make it home in an unusually cheerful mood. Julia greets you at the door noticing your random happy mood.
"Is buying toothpaste really that fun?" she questions.
"Oh you won't believe it! I met someonee or should I say someonesss!" you answer with a smirk.
"This boyband full of hotness! They have a show tonight at the O2 academy we should goooo" you nag.
"I meannn... i don't know.."
You plead for Julia to agree.
"Fine then,I'll be the judge of wether they're hot or not." Julia replies.

Rye Beaumont // storiesWhere stories live. Discover now