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You were casually hanging out in your kitchen whilst watching Youtube. It was the evening now and you were meant to meet the boys soon. Suddenly, you heard a knock on the door. Thinking it was Julia getting locked out again, you started screaming at her whilst walking towards the door.

"Omg you're so dumb, why do you always-" you cut off as you see an unexpected face when you open the door.
"Rye, uhh hi?" you stand shocked as you see him holding a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers.
"God you don't have to scream at me all the time" he chuckles. "Uh anyway, these are for you." he adds smiling as he prompts the flowers in your hands.
"Umm thank you? They're gorgeous. Uhhh come in by the way," you state, puzzled.
Rye entered the flat, scratching the back of his neck. You love it when he does this because it shows how nervous he is.

"What are you doing here, I was meant to meet you guys in an hour?" you question as you place the flowers into a vase.
"Well actually I'm taking you out" he says with sudden confidence.
You pause and look at him.
"Um where?"
"That's a surprise" he smirks.

You roll your eyes and smile at him. He smiled back, his brown eyes sparkling in the light. He grabs you arm and starts pulling you towards the door.

"What? Now?" you panic. "I'm not prepared"
"Shut up, you look fine. You don't need anything" he smiles and you blush.
He swiftly pulls his arm over your shoulder as you walk downstairs and towards his car. You peer out the window trying to figure out the mysterious location. You arrive at a vintage, little ice cream parlour.
"Ice cream?" you say, lifting your eyebrow.
"I always used to eat ice cream here, before I started going to the gym of course" he smiles, excitement written all over his face.

You enter the parlour and choose ice cream. You playfully wiped yours on the tip of Rye's nose and he did the same back. You both chuckled as you walked out and back to the car.
"Um now what?" you ask.
"Well I don't know if you've noticed but I'm taking you on a trip down memory lane" he smirked as he opened the car door for you.

The next stop was outside a small venue hall called "the Garage." As you walk out the car you feel a familiar hand intertwine with yours. You look down at your hands and then you face Rye.
"My hand was cold" he smirks without looking at you. You smile down at the floor and continue walking towards the venue.

"This is where we had our first little gig. It's tiny but sentimental" Rye declares as you look around.
The walls were grey, decorated with neon lights and posters. The stage itself was pretty small and elevated.
"It's cute" you smile as you catch Rye staring at you.
You continue to walk around the venue, hand in hand as Rye tells you stories about the band and some of the shows.
"Right come on, next location!" Rye states as he points to the door.

You walk back to the car, excited. You drive for a long time before realising that you're in Windsor. You speculate as to where you might be heading however you didn't want to ruin the surprise. As you expected, you arrived at their old flat. You smile as you scramble out of the car. He holds your waist as he leads you to the flat door.
"Well as you already know, this is our old flat. I have so many golden memories there. The boys are what made it so sickk" he smiled before leading you to the park. You sit on a slope of grass as Rye tells you all the good memories he associates with the park. You lean your head on his shoulder as he passionately tells you about how much fun playing football was and how amazing the fans' support was. He also mentions how he came to the park if he needed to think about things and destress. He notices that it's starting to get late so he grabs your hand to lead you to the final location.

You drive back to London and realise that you stopped at the place where you had your first date. You gaze into Rye's eyes as they light up and you smile. Quickly, you jump out of the car and you force Rye's arm around your shoulders. He walks you to the forrest and you notice bright lights coming from afar. As you get closer you see a load of fairy lights strung up between the branches. You see food laid out on a blanket. It was the place where you first kissed. You gaze around, astounded by how beautiful the place now looked. You turn to face him and say;
"When did you do this?"
"Julia and Andy set it up for us" he smiles down at you before grabbing your hands into his. "As you know, this is where we first kissed. It's a memory I know hold dear as I shared it with someone very special to me."
You look deeply into his eyes as you feel a substantial smile growing on your face.
"Now I want that special someone to be my girlfriend. Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I knew it wouldn't be the last. You're different from the others. You let me open up and you make me feel things that I haven't before. So what do you say? Do you feel the same? Is this too mu-" you cut him off with a kiss before he rambles too much and stresses himself out even more. You go up onto your toes as you grab his cheeks and bring his lips to meet yours. A thousand sparks shoot through your body as you feel his soft arms wrap around your waist. You feel him smile into your lips as he deepens the kiss. You play with his hair like before and he runs his fingers down your spine. You pull away, meeting his eyes once more and you smile.

"I was waiting for you to ask me that. Gosh you didn't have to take so long" you chuckle as you drop back down onto your feet. He stands smiling at you until you grab his hand and sit him down on the blanket beside you.
"This is perfect" you say whilst looking at the food and lights.
"I know I am" he laughs as you shove him playfully.
You dig into to food just like you did on your first date, however avoiding a food fight this time. He plants a kiss on your head as you eat the cocktail sausages laid out in front of you. You smile and place your head on his shoulder.

"Just saying, you smashed this considering my high standards. If you would've asked me out on the couch or something, I would've punched you" you joke as you finish the food.
"Yeah Julia filled me in" he chuckles.
"Do we just leave the fairy lights here or what?"
"Shit, I didn't think about that" Rye scratches his head.
"Oh well, it's fine" you laugh as you start to pack away the food and the blanket.
"Yeah let's just uhh go" Rye holds your hand as he looks back at the lights hanging from the trees.
You walk back to the car laughing and as you sit in your seat, you feel Rye's hand engulf your thigh. You smile and text Julia.

You: I hate you :)
Julia: Was it as perfect as you wanted it?
You: and more ;)
Julia: Klye ;) everyone already ships it
You: Shut up.. or don't;)))

Rye drops you off at your flat and walks you to your doorstep. You share one last kiss before entering your flat with a huge smile drawn on your face. Julia greets you with a smirk.
"Sooo.. how did it go!?" she questions.
"Oh don't even get me started.."

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