Trouble ahead

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You, Julia and the boys were preparing for a what seemed to be a really fun day out. You were planning to go to a zoo followed by a trip to the beach to watch the sunset. You were excited as you applied finishing touches to your makeup.
"Can't wait to pet some monkeys man" Julia laughed as you smiled subtly.
After a while, you all agreed you were ready to go so you scrambled into the car and set off on the journey.

You, Rye, and Julia were going to travel with Andy in your car whilst Brook, Jack and Mikey went in the second car.

"Oh by the way, we're picking Chiara up on the way" Andy suggested. He was referring to his best friend. You weren't too keen on her as she always seemed close to Rye so you immediately looked up at Andy, who was driving. You throw your head round the corner of the drivers seat to take a better look at him

"What?" you spit.
"Yeah she wanted to come with us" Andy smiled as if it were no big deal. It wasn't, but to you it was.
"Is she being with us the whole day?" you judged.
"Oh" you frown as you throw yourself back into your seat.
Julia widened her eyes at you from the passengers seat as you responded with a silent glare.

You arrived outside Chiara's house and saw her waving.
"Get in" Andy shouted from his window.
She squished herself next to Rye , who was in the middle seat, which made your blood start to boil. This was going to be one hell of a day.
When you reached the zoo you quickly jumped out and pulled Julia aside.
"I swear to God if she flirts with Rye-"
"Mate don't worry Rye wouldn't even go there, I mean look at her" Julia interrupted whilst judging Chiara from afar.
"I love you" you chuckle and rejoin the group.

Purposely, you grab Rye's arm infront of Chiara and wrap it around your shoulders. He thinks nothing of it as he kisses your head.
"You alright?" he asks.
"Mhmm" you reply and then shoot a stare towards Chiara who was smiling at you.

Jack and Brook pay for the tickets and you enter the zoo. You walk, holding Rye's hand firmly as Chiara walks beside him and Andy. The huge enclosures unfolded before you as you ventured inside.
"Awh look at those giraffes" Chiara cheered as she pointed at one enclosure.
"Awh look at those giraffes" you mimic quietly to Julia which causes her to laugh.

You all spread out to see the enclosures. Without thinking, you follow Julia and Brook, leaving Rye behind with Chiara. As you were admiring some flamingoes, you quickly snapped back into reality and reminded yourself of Chiara. This causes you to rapidly spin around to find your boyfriend. As your eyes scan the zoo, you suddenly see him with Chiara. They were both laughing as they pointed at some monkeys. You furrowed your eyebrows and narrowed your eyes at the disgusting sight.
"I'm so mad, why is he laughing? She's not funny" you rant to Julia.
"He's probably forcing it-" before Julia could continue, you rush over to Rye and the girl.

"Hey klaudia" Chiara greets you with a smile.
'Shut your mouth' you think to yourself.
"Hi" you mutter quietly as you intertwine your hand in Rye's.
"Look at these monkeys, one fell off the tree" Rye laughed and you forced a chuckle.
"Yeah it was so funny wasn't it" Chiara laughed and searched for Rye's agreement. You stare at her intensely before continuing on to the next animal enclosure.

The rest of the time at the zoo, you spent with Rye and Chiara. You hated how much he kept speaking to her and you temper was rising with each minute.
Finally, you meet up with the rest of the group as you decide to finish up and go to the beach. You caught up with Julia and explained everything to her.
"Are you joking me? Why is he being like that, is he dumb?" you roll your eyes as Julia chuckles under her breath.

You travel to the beach but this time you made sure Rye sat next to the window whilst you sat in the middle so that Chiara had no chance of sitting next to him. When you arrive at the beach you join Mikey as he films a video for the instagram story.
After speaking to him for a while, you turn to find Rye who was sat down next to Chiara and Andy. Your insides started to rage as you felt anger sweep over you.
"Why does he keep speaking to her? Why is she so close to him? Is he brain damaged" questions flew around in your mind as you watched them laugh in unison.

By this point you had enough. You sat with Julia and felt your eyes water from rage.
"I'm his girlfriend not her so why does he keep hanging out with her?"
"I don't know Klaud, but I'm sure its nothing, stop beating yourself up about it" Julia reassured.
For the rest of the evening, you watched the sunset with Julia, Brook and Mikey. You avoided Rye as much as possible.

"Hey are you okay?" Rye walked up to you as you all started packing up to head home. He had a worried look painted on his face.
You responded with a sarcastic laugh before saying "Yeah" bluntly. You walked away from him and solemnly sat in the car. You chose to sit in the front to be away from Rye.

You laughed to yourself before sighing. Laughing was usually your coping mechanism however this time, you really couldn't hide your anger.
"Hey you good?" Chiara asked as she joined you in the car.
"What?" you snapped at her and narrowed your eyes.
"I- I asked if you're good?" Chiara said, confused.
"Yeah" you replied quietly before crossing your arms.
There was a thick tension in the atmosphere the whole way back. No one dared to speak as they could all tell something was up.

When you arrived at the boys' flat, you quicking walked up the stairs and made your way to the toilet. You let a few tears roll down your cheek before wiping them away with the edge of your jumper sleeve. You sighed and walked to the kitchen where you found Brook.
"Today was so funnn. Chiara is quite nice don't you think?" he said excitedly.
"Why did you just say that??" you raised your voice.
"I-" he stuttered as you stormed out. Rye quickly followed as Brook stood speachless.

You made your way into Rye's room and you slammed the door. In no time, he appeared around the door and you furrowed your brows.
"What's your problem?" he asked.
"Excuse me?" you shout.
"Why are you so angry?"
"Ask Chiara" you mumble.
"So this is about her?"
"No" you object. "...Yeah" you add after a pause.
Rye sighs and sits on the bed beside you.
"You just ditched me and the whole time yo-"
"I didn't mean to-"
"No, don't interrupt me" you insist. "You kept speaking to Chiara and laughing like why? You wouldn't like it if I did that" you say, whilst emphasising her name.
"I was only trying to be nice"
"What? By hanging out with her all day. Yeah thats so nice to me isnt it" you roll your eyes.

"Right you're being ridiculous now. There's no need for you to be so petty" Rye says with a harsher tone. You pause for a second, shocked.
"What did you just say to me?"
"No" you interrupt. "Whatever" you add as you storm out of the room and head for the door with your eyes watering.

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks to look at you. Andy's expression painted confusion as he followed your every move. Brook and Mikey glanced at eachother in silence whilst Julia sighed and tried to rush towards you.

"Klaudia!" Julia shouts but you already manage to make your way out as you head downstairs and into your car. You slam the door with great force and clench the steering wheel. You sit in silence for a while before tears pour down your face. You decide to drive straight home to calm yourself down.

As you arrived at your flat and finally made yourself comfortable in bed you hear the doorbell ring. You contemplated wether to answer it or not. After a brief pause, you decide to see who it was. You saw Rye waiting outside with a box of chocolates. He looked pretty torn and you could see regret in his eyes. You open the door without saying anything as you waited for him to make the first move.
"Klaudia, can we talk?" he peers.
You open the door wider, signalling for him to come in. He enters with his head slightly dropped.

"I'm really sorry. I was confused and I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't mean for you to get upset over Chiara, I was only trying to be friendly and I didn't mean for it to look any different" he cried, you could tell he was being genuine.
You didn't want to say anything at first because of the fact that you were too stubborn however you could see how truly sorry he was.
"Yeah alright" you reply bluntly at first, just to make him suffer a little.
"Please Klaudia, I don't usually give in so easily" he pleaded as he prompted the chocolates into your hand.
"Whatever" you roll your eyes before laughing.
"I am sorry too, I overreacted I guess, I just don't really like her so I didn't want you to speak to her" you added.

"I am sorry, it won't happen again, I love you" Rye smiles softly.
"You bet it wont, I love you too" you chuckle as he embraces you deeply, sending a warm feeling down your spine. You stay cuddling for a while as he kisses your head every so often.
"She's not funnier than me though is she?" you ask suddenly making Rye laugh.
"No of course not"
"Correct answer" you smile and bury your head into his chest.

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