"We ran out of crispy rolls"

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You were hanging out with Julia and the boys in your flat. They had a show in a few days and you were excited both for them and to watch it. You were sat on the couch with Rye's firm arm around you as you watched a movie that was there once you turned the TV on. Suddenly Julia stormed in. She looked really upset so worryingly, you asked her what the problem was.

"We, ran out of c-crispy rolls" she cried.
You rolled your eyes at her petty 'emergency.'
"We need to go to Asda right now, I'm not having this" she commanded. Brook walked up behind her and agreed.
You were finally convinced to join her, Brook and Rye on a journey to Asda whilst the remaining boys stayed.

You squeezed in the car and set off to the infamous shop. The boys have previously been in trouble there because of their childish antics.
As you arrive at the store, Rye and Brook immediately run off together like children. You and Julia sigh and laugh as you follow behind them. Julia clasps her hands and heads to the chocolate isle. You find Rye as he finally stopped running. You walk around the shop, hand in hand, as you follow Julia.

You decide to take a detour to the candy isle and start looking around. Suddenly, you spot a packet of Squashies on a shelf above you. Your smile widens as you reach for it. As it turns out, the packet was too high for you to reach. You try to stretch and jump but nothing was working. Rye spots you struggling and looking like a fool so he starts laughing.
"Please help me" you plead.
He mockingly reaches and grabs the wrong sweets.
"Nooo Rye the Squashies!"
"Squashies? Hmm I don't see any" he jokes.
You look at him with puppy eyes as he chuckles. He finally gives in and grabs the packet.
"There you go. By the way, you're a bit short for your age" he laughs
"No shut up" you pout.
"No, grow" he laughs as you walk off in anger to find Julia.

You rejoin her as she finds her crispy rolls. She has a huge smile on her face but it drops unexpectedly.
"Wait have you seen Brooklyn?" she asks
"Uh no" you reply frowning as you think.
"Well neither" she shrugs.
Soon, you find that he's nowhere to be found as you search the isles.
"He gets lost sometimes" Rye laughs.
You shout his name as you stroll through the shop.
"Brook we have food" Rye shouts in an attempt to summon him.
The three of you start to become irritated as the situation was growing ridiculous.
"Brooklyn! Mikey stole your ham again" Julia calls.
You all laugh as he's still nowhere to be found.

When you enter the toy section, you find Brook standing in-front of some teddy bear.
"Oh for God's sake, what are you doing?" you say with a sigh.
"Ah isn't this toy sick, look if you press these buttons it like moves and says things" he says, absolutely fascinated.

Rye grabs his arm as he tries to pull him away from the toy.
"Come on Brook, you child"
"Nah but isn't this cool" he shouts as he presses a button.
"Sure now lets go" Rye laughs.
Brooklyn obeys as you as you and Julia shake your heads and laugh. You pay and head back to the car, satisfied.

You arrive at the flat and you see Mikey dancing to you guys through the window. You laugh as you enter and climb the stairs. You come back to the flat and explain the adventure and hassle with Brook. Of course, Brook tries to deny it but he doesn't sound convincing. In the end, he gives up and admits it.
"Yeah but it was sick, you would've loved it"
"Yeah if I was like 5" Jack laughs.

You spend the rest of the evening chilling and watching random Youtube videos. You finally fell asleep in your room and Rye joined you shortly, wrapping you in his arms as you gently snooze. He smiles and kisses your head before falling asleep himself.

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