Double Disaster

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As Julia and Brook finally made their relationship official, you decided to celebrate by going on a double date with them and Rye. You and Julia both spent the evening by getting ready before the date. You were planning to go to a restaurant therefore you both wanted to look your best. You picked out a cute black dress and some heeled, cream boots.
After quite some time, you finally finished getting ready. As soon as you threw a jacket on, there was a knock at the door. It was the boys.

Julia rushed over and opened the door. She greeted them with a smile before you joined them. Rye put his hands on your hips as he looked at you in awe.
"You loooook ssssso hot" he smirked.
"Shut upp" you rolled your eyes before returning the compliment. He put one arm around your waist as he lead you through the door, Julia and Brook following behind.

You drove for a short while before reaching fancy looking restaurant. You looked at Julia and laughed.
"This is not gonna end well" she smiled as she looked down.
You wandered into to the restaurant and looked around at all the extravagant decorations. A waiter lead you to your table. You sat next to Julia and opposite to Rye.

You carefully read the menu and continuously pestered Julia on what she's ordering.
"Frick off Klaud i don't know" she replied as you asked her for the 3rd time.
You laughed as you proceeded to ask Rye. After a while, you all finally decide what you want and the waiter arrives to tale your orders.

Rye picked up one napkin and placed it into Brook's collar like a baby bib.
"You need it child" Rye said as Brook looked at him confused.
You all laugh before your food finally arrives. Rye immediately throws of his chips at Brook's head.
"Heyy now who needs a bib" Brook shouts.
You all laugh as you dig into your food.
You suddenly feel someone kick your leg. It was Rye. You kick him back, looking into his eyes. He returns the favour again but accidentally kicks the table, making it shake.
As a result of the table shaking, Julia drops a bit of pasta on herself.

"Oh" she says.
You laugh and she evils you in return. The waiter comes around again as you finish you meals. Your order jelly blocks and ice cream for dessert. As it arrives, Julia whispers to you.
"Baddd idea"
You laugh as you look at her and then the dessert.

As you were about to eat a jelly block, Rye sticks a breadstick in Brook's ear which causes you to laugh. By doing so, the jelly block slips out from your lips and falls on the floor. You wheeze uncontrollably and everyone joins in. You look at the helpless block as it lies of the floor.
"Oh my god it just shot out, bless it" you laugh, tears dropping down your cheeks.
Once you've finally calmed down you turn to Julia and ask wether your mascara smudged. The answer was yes and you frantically tried to remove the smudges.

Meanwhile, Rye stole a jelly block and it accidentally fell out his mouth. The block skidded along the table and fell in your lap. You screamed as it scared you and you quickly threw it away. You didn't calculate the power of your throw and it flew across half the restaurant.
"Okay lets get the bill and leave quickly" you laugh as you cover your mouth with your hand. Julia was quietly dying from laughter in the corner as Rye asked for the bill. You all swiftly pay and leave. You decide to linger in town for a bit.

You walked around the streets, laughing and shouting at passers by. You walk hand in hand with Rye as he smiles at you from time to time. Brook ran off to jump over a pole yet he failed as he tripped and rolled on the floor. In order to show him up, Rye ran and jumped over the pole to show him who's best. You all laugh at Brook's failure as he fake cries. At around midnight, you finally decide to head back home. The boys drop you off at your flat. Rye takes your hand as he spins you into him. He places a soft kiss on your lips and you hug him tightly.
You share your goodbyes and head up to your flat. You and Julia fall asleep almost immediately due to the tiring day you had.

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