Day out ;)

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It was a Saturday morning and as you opened your blinds, you instantly smiled at the sunny view. You started playing music loud on you phone as you danced around the room whilst getting dressed.
You walk to the kitchen and prepare some food and a fresh glass of water. Julia joined you shortly as she attempted to make toast.
Half way through your breakfast your phone buzzes and a text message appears:

Rye 🐝: Wanna go to the mall with me and Mikey? We will buy you Nando's?... xx

You reply, agreeing to the offer. Meanwhile, Julia receives a text from Brook, inviting her to spend a day with him and the other boys at their flat. You both get ready together and talk about plans for the day.
"Rye likes you, and you like himmm!" Julia sings.
"Shut up mate" You chuckle as you hit her playfully.

You finish doing your makeup and both head out together. Rye and Mikey were already waiting for you outside whilst Julia took the car to drive to the boys' flat.
You hug the two boys and greet them cheerfully.
"You alright?" Mikey mumbles as you hug him.
"Yeah, I'm excited lets go" you cheer.

The shopping centre was only a 40 minute walk from your flat. You were walking in between Rye and the road. All of a sudden, Rye nudges you and you lose you balance. He quickly catches your arm and brings you to his chest before you topple into the road. He laughs at you whilst you pout and cross your arms. Mikey laughed in his usual high pitched tone and you couldn't help but join in.

"Not funny" you say as you catch your breath and giggle slightly.
"It was, you have to admit" Rye chuckles. "I barely even touched you" he adds.
"I'm clumsy" you reply before you burst out laughing again.

A while later, you finally arrive at the mall and you become as excited as a little child in a candy shop. The boys chuckle at this.
"Adorable" Rye chuckles to Mikey.
You walk around random shops for an hour before you find a little, vintage fudge shop. There's a sign on the window stating: "FREE tasters"
You turn to look at Mikey and Rye with your mouth gaping. Without hesitation you walk into the shop and the boys are obliged to follow you.

Excited, you wander around the shop. On little plates were the free samples you could eat. They all had labels on them to inform you of what they are. There was one in particular that caught your eye. A chocolate brownie flavoured fudge. It looked so good and your mouth was watering however there was only one left. You go to reach it but with one swift move, Rye steals it from underneath you and places it in his mouth. He looks at you and laughs whilst you stand shocked.

"No whyyyy!?" You whine.
"I was faster" Rye smirks and then walks away, leaving you standing there and thinking about what just happened.

After that, you all get bored so you decide to go to Nando's and have a meal. It wasn't busy yet the food took ages to arrive.

You finally got your food and you were so ecstatic. You couldn't wait to eat it. You ordered a burger with chips and nothing ever looked this good to you. Before you start digging in, you look up at Rye and say.
"You're not touching my food this time, do you understand me?"
However, whilst you're too busy scolding Rye, Mikey steals a chip from you.
"No Mikeyy!" you groan.
"No Mikeyyyy" he mocks.

You sit back in your seat, deflated, although you quickly get over it as you're too hungry. Midway through your meal, you turn to Rye's chicken wing and say; "I wonder why that chicken crossed the road..."

You find yourself too funny so you start to laugh. You accidentally wheeze really loudly for an extremely long time. This set the boys off and soon, all three of you were crying with laughter. You caught a few awkward glares from customers but that didn't bother you as this situation was too funny to you.

Shortly after, you all start to return home and the boys propose that you come back to their flat. You agree however, you had no means of transport so you were forced to take a bus. At the bus stop, you bumped into some fans and you had to stand there awkwardly whilst Rye and Mikey spoke to them. You were sat in the corner of the bus stop bench until Mikey grabbed your arm and introduced you.
"This is our friend Klaudia, we were just in the shopping centre"
"Yeah, hey" you mumble awkwardly.
This ended once the bus arrived and you were freed from the awkward meeting.

Not long after, you arrived at their flat. It was a lot bigger and more posh than yours. You scrambled up the stairs and finally reached their door. You walk through the flat and you reach the end, where the kitchen was. To your left you spotted Jack, Andy and Brook teaching Julia how to play some video game. You saw that Brooklyn had his arm around Julia, who looked incredibly happy as she laughed.

"You go girl" you thought to yourself.
They all briefly turn around to greet you but then go back to their game. Soon, Rye joined you in the kitchen.
"I enjoyed today" you smile.
"Me too" he gazes at you.
"However I didn't appreciate the food stealing." You chuckle and Rye joins in.

Mikey strolls into the room and exclaims.
"Hello everyone!"
You were too busy laughing with Rye and the rest were too interested in their game.
"Okay, I see how it is." Mikey cries and walks away.

Meanwhile, Rye proposes to give you a house tour and you agree happily. He takes you to show you the toilet first and then Jack and Brooks room.
"You flat is cute. It's like small but not. I love it" You state as you walk towards Rye and Harvey's room.

He opens the door and you meet the cute, decorated little room. It was your favourite looking room. You walk in and look around.
"Well this is it." Rye smiles.
You smile back and sit on his bed. He sits beside you in a second of awkward silence.
"So how long have you been singing?" You ask, desperately trying to break the silence.
"Not long, I started before I joined the band. I did free running before then" He replies.
"That's so cool" you say before looking around again.
"I could teach you someday" He says as he gets up from the bed.

You smile and follow him back to the main room where everyone else was. You look at the time and decide it's probably best for you to go. You didn't want to spoil Julia's fun but at the same time it was necessary.
"Come on Julia we're going"
Rye looked at you and he looked slightly upset.
You all said your goodbyes again and left. Rye suggested he'd walk you down so you let him.

"Bye guys" he says as he hugs you first. This one felt tighter than the other times you hugged him and you didn't mind it one bit.

You return home and continue texting the boys on a group chat they added you to. You felt fulfilled as you and Julia exchanged stories from the day.

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