Falling fast..

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You and Julia were getting ready for a day out at the boys' flat which they invited you to the day before. Both of you were engaged in a discussion about the difference between chickens and turkeys when suddenly you received a message from the group chat.

Andy- Hey guyss hurry up and come over! x

You and Julia laughed at this and proceeded to quickly finish up and head to the flat. You were both quite excited as you've taken a liking to the boys.
As you arrived, you were greeted by Mikey at the door.
"Hey finally, you took long enough" he chuckled as he invited you in.
You immediately heard Rye laughing with Andy in his room. You quickly went to say hi to Brook and Jack, who were already talking to Julia in their room.

After that, you made your way back to Rye's room and knocked on the door.
"Come in?" Rye stated with a hint of confusion.
You slowly creak the door open and pop your head through.
"Oh Klaudia! We didn't hear you arrive!" Andy smiled as Rye's eyes lit up. They both stand up to hug you. Rye placed his chin on your head whilst swaying you from side to side and smiling into your hair.

"We were just watching a compilation of our funny moments, we're really funny," Rye chuckled as Andy sat back down on the bed.
"I'll be the judge of that" you smirk and join them to watch the video.
Rye was right, they are funny. You continued to flood the room with laughter meanwhile Mikey met Julia in the kitchen.

"They both like each other right?" Mikey pondered.
"Who?" Julia questioned obliviously.
"Rye and Klaudia of course"
"Oh yeah, definitely. She denies it though" Julia smiles.
"I think it's cute" Mikey admits.
"Me too" Julia chuckles and they both rejoin Brooklyn and Jack.

In the meantime, Rye suggested he'd teach you to play a video game. Stupidly, you agree forgetting that you don't know how to play.
"Imma make you play Fortnite!" Rye chuckles as he walks over to the couch in the main room.
"No, you didn't mention that. Fortnite is a bad game!" You whine.
"You'll live."
"Doubt it..." you mumble as you sink into the couch beside Rye.

He sets up the game and hands you the controller. You look at it, clueless.
"Now what?" you ask.
"Press that button" Rye answers pointing to the start button.

You start the game and you are still clueless as to how to do anything. You land on the map and straight away spot an opponent.
"Oh my god! How do I shoot! Where's my gun?" you panic as you shuffle in your seat.
"You don't have one yet just run-" Rye exclaims but gets cut off too soon as you die suddenly by your opponent.
"I hate this game" you frown and Rye laughs at your frustration. "I can't do this, please help" you add.

Rye thinks of an idea on how to help you and smiles.
"Okay sit there" he points at the floor and you obey.
He sits behind you and leans against the couch so that you're now between his legs and he puts his hands around you so that he can hold the controller too. You can't help but blush. Your heart beat speeds up as you feel his breath on your neck. He puts his head on you shoulder to see the screen better and he softly mumbles.
"You ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be" You breathe.
He slowly guides your fingers onto the right buttons and helps you press them. Your breathing intensifies as Rye presses his fingers against yours. He chuckles in your ear which sends shivers down your spine. You smile softly as you proceed to play the game.

"Omg, Rye you never do that to me" Andy cries as he walks into the room and sees the way you're sat. He leans his head on the door frame and crosses his arms. Rye quickly removes his arms from around you and places them on the floor.
"Andy don't get jealous" Rye chuckles and you join him nervously. He shuffles awkwardly and sits back on the couch, leaving you vulnerable on the floor. In no time, Andy and Rye were both deep in conversation so you decide to find Julia.

You walk into Brook and Jack's bedroom where you find them watching something on Youtube. You sit next to Julia as she smiles at you.
"I have so much to tell you" you whisper.
"I already know" Julia answers.
"You like Ryeee!" Julia chants.
"Oh my god shut up I don't." you protest.
By this time, both Brook and Jack were laughing quietly.
"You're only lying to yourself" Jack giggles.
"Haha it's cute!" Brook smiles.
"Just cuz you like Julia" you frown.
Brooklyn looks at you in shock and blushes. Julia turns to you and widens her eyes before proceeding to smack you on the arm. You laugh and leave the three in silence to rejoin Rye in the other room.

You all hang out for another few hours until it gets dark and you decide to head back home. As you were about to leave, Rye wrapped his arms around your waist as you gazed into his eyes before being cut off by Mikey hugging Rye from behind. You laugh and pull away as Rye begins to fight Mikey.
"Klaudia, aren't you going to stop me from beating up your boyfriend" Mikey mocks and you sigh. They continue for a while until Andy steps in and separates them. You all laugh at how immature they were.

You say your goodbyes and finally leave the flat, more fulfilled than ever.

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