Chapter Ten

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So someone asked me the other day which boy is my favorite , & I hate telling people who it is because I'm afraid I'll be called a directionator. But I swear , I love them all the same. I just have a really big appreciation for Liam , and if I had to choose a favorite it would be him. I can tell he cares a lot about us directioners , and I know they all do , but there just certain things he does that make me love him. Like when none of the boys notice a fan , Liam will be the one to wave and say hello. and when a girl tries to get Harry's attention , Liam will point the girl out to Harry to make the fan happy. I also feel like all the other boys just have to live and breathe and they get called sexy , and Liam is the responsible one , making sure things get done and he just gets called "cute." Yet he's still the most appreciative. idk , it's the little things that impress me.

But I'll probably never write a fanfic with Liam , because I'm the biggest Liam& Danielle shipper , and I just can't see him with anyone else. It may sound stupid , but idk. And I could always write a fanfic about Liam and Danielle but I just don't think it'll happen. However , I do have plans for upcoming Zayn&  Niall fanfics c;

(I'm also a big shipper of Louis and Eleanor ad might not end up writing about Lou either. And it'll be easier to write about Zayn because I never really hear much about Perrie , no offense to her.)

Another faq is my name. I didn't really want to give it out , but it's whatevr.. my name's sam :)

BTW , the chapters' a day late bc my city had a major power outage last night , so there was no intrnet for me -.-

Song: Valerie by Amy Winehouse. It's kind of a random song but Amy is one of my fav singers &of course, Louis sings this in concertsand stuff<3


One more night. One more night in America, and Harry & I were back home to Holmes Chapel. The past two weeks had been so much fun, but I was definitely ready to be home.

Since the tour dates got mixed up and the boys' break was supposed to start today, they were free to do whatever they wanted. My cousin Rian lives in America, and I know he's not a directioner, so it wouldn't be a problem if a few of us stayed with her. I mean, his family's filthy rich and they have four guest bedrooms with king-sized beds. When I asked him if we could stay, he was more than happy to have us. He's 15 and is an only child, so he and his parents have the whole home to themselves. And if we didn't find someone else to stay with, we'd have to pay for a hotel.

Eleanor had come to visit Louis and fly back to England with us, and I had met her about a week ago. She became my best girl friend for the time being, since Harry was a boy and I needed a female friend. There was plenty of room for the seven of us to stay there, and Liam had insisted on ordering Nandos for all ten of us and paying, because he felt bad about intruding. And of course, Niall was happy with this.

Thankfully, my aunt and uncle didn't argue and were very friendly. It was nice to see them again, considering I manage to see them about once a year. Rian was going to a sleepover that night and didn't really mind missing the boys. I introduced him to them, and they all seemed to get along well, so it was a shame he had to leave.

My aunt and uncle had a movie theater sort of thing in their basement, except it didn't have movie theater seats. It was a huuuuuuuuge screen like in theaters, but the seats were just big comfy couches and chairs and they all sat in a semi-circle so we could call see each other, like a regular living room. And the seats were thankfully far enough from the screen so that we didn't have to hurt our necks by looking up at an awkward angle.

We watched Forrest Gump and Anchorman, two of the boys' favorite movies. By the time we finished them both, Eleanor and Louis had dozed off, falling asleep holding each other.

"Awww," I cooed as I looked at the two of them. "They're so perfect together."

Liam glanced over at them, almost sadly. "Yep."

I chuckled at his jealousy of Louis having his girlfriend with him. "If only Danielle and Perrie were here too," I retorted, referencing Liam and Zayn's girlfriends.

"Damn. You guys are so lucky you have girlfriends," Harry said. "Once people see you with a girl, they just leave you alone. And then there's me, and I practically get mobbed every time I'm in public."

"Same here," Niall agreed. "'Course, not as much as you though, Harry."

I frowned at Niall. "Why not?"

"Because he's Harry Styles!" Niall exclaimed. "Everyone loves him the most because he's 'so sexy.'"

"Aw, Niall! It's okay, I think you're hot." Harry glared at me when I said this. "And I'm sure plenty of other girls in the world do too. I mean, don't you have the second biggest amount of twitter followers?"

He smiled, remembering. "Yes. But guess who still has more than me? HAROLD!" he feigned sadness and we all just laughed at him.

"Hey, I don't TRY to be sexy. It just happens," Harry smirked.

"Well, I personally don't think any of you are the 'most attractive.' I think all five of you are very blessed in the looks category." Everyone chuckled at my comment.

Zayn glanced at Harry, who was sitting with me on the couch perpendicular to Zayn's. "Mate, why don't you just get a girlfriend, then?"

I stiffened at the thought of Harry having a girlfriend. After what happened with Caroline Flack, I didn't trust any girl to be with him.

Luckily, Harry seemed to be on my side.

"Nah," Harry replied. "I can't just pick a random girl and make her my girlfriend. I mean, I know I could, but it wouldn't really mean anything."

"Then get a fake girlfriend," Liam suggested.

"Huh?" Harry asked, confused.

"Find a girl that you're friends with, say, Aria," he gestured towards me, "and pretend to be dating her when you're in public. You know, walk around with her, hold hands, all that good stuff. It won't make all the fans go away, but hopefully some of them will respect you enough to understand that you're off-limits. But you are in a boy band, so you'll always have crazy-obsessed fans."

Harry turned his head to look at me. "Would up for that?"

I giggled at his awkwardness. "Are you asking me to me your fake girlfriend?"

"Erm...yes." He smiled cheekily.

"Then I accept!"

"Yay!" Harry clapped, excited.

"But are you sure this wouldn't be weird? I mean, we just made up and now we have to act like we're dating.." I commented.

"Don't worry, you don't have to awkwardly kiss me whenever a camera shows up. Lou and Liam never kiss their girlfriends in public. Zayn, on the other hand..." Liam laughed and Zayn punched him in the arm, blushing a bit. "Shut up."

"Shit. Now I'm gonna look forever alone," Niall realized.

I chuckled. "That just means you'll get even more ladies! Trust me, you will never be forever alone. You have the largest selection of girls in the world." He smiled in satisfaction at this.

"So it's settled!" Harry said. "I have a fake girlfriend!"

"Woohoo!" I exclaimed half-heartedly.

Then, it hit me. To the whole world, I was gonna be the girlfriend of one of the biggest teenage heartthrobs in the world.

Oh boy. Now this was gonna be fun...

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