Chapter Thirteen

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Not sure how good this chapter is...but i stayed up late last night writing , so hopefully it's not too bad! enjoy x) 

"Harry?" I asked as soon as we were sitting in his car.

"Yes?" he answered.

"Erm...when you, tell people that we're dating and will the fans react?"

He sat silently for a second while he put the keys in ignition before responding. "Well, I think the fans might not be happy at first, but they're going to have to deal with it."

"Will I get a lot of hate?"

"It's a possibility," he said slowly. "But if they're real fans, they shouldn't get mad at me for dating someone. Some of them think that I'll fall in love with them some day, but honestly, that's a one in a trillion chance of happening. They need a reality check, and if they can't deal with the fact that I'm dating someone, it's their problem."

"Sheesh, you're making it sound like you hate your fans," I chuckle.

"No, it's not that at all. I love every single directioner. But they need to realize that I'm not going to marry them some day," Harry laughed and started driving.

"Agreed," I laughed along with him.

"And when we come out as a couple, even though we'll be faking, if anyone ever sends you hate, tell me right away."

"I will," I nod my head. 

I was beginning to wonder where exactly he was taking me. After a few minutes of driving, I decided to just ask him. 

"Harry? Where are we going?"

"Well, I figured we could start off by just shopping or something so the paparazzi can get used to seeing us together in public."

"Yeah, that makes sense," I agreed.

"And then afterwards, I have something special planned."

"Alright then."

We started off by doing some shopping, and I have to say, the cameras were even worse than they were in the airport. The good thing was that there were less fans that came up to him, because they didn't know he would be here, whereas at the airport, everyone knew he was flying in. I had a feeling a picture of the two of us would be in an article online before I even got home, so I texted Darla to let me know if she sees any pictures.

After shopping for a bit and grabbing a quick coffee in Starbucks, Harry and I rushed back to his car, avoiding as many cameras as we could. The good thing about Cheshire was that since it's such a small place, it's not as bad as walking around in a place like Los Angeles or NYC. If people didn't know that the famous Harry Styles lived here, there would probably be little to no cameras at all.

After driving for about a half an hour to a mystery place, I started to whine. "Harry, how much longer?"

"Just a few minutes," he promised me. But I had to wonder why it looked as if we were in the middle of nowhere.

Turns out, the middle of nowhere was our destination after all.

Harry pulled the car over and lead me through a huge, deserted field.

"Harry, where in the world are we?" I questioned him as we walked.

"You'll see once we get over that mountain," he pointed ahead of us.

As we eventually made our way over the mountain, it revealed a low valley, and I took in the view. I was still confused, but I had to admit it was all beautiful. Cheshire was always a very scenic place.

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