Chapter Fifteen

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Some have you been asking why I upload a day late. I'm guessing it's because of timezones...? I upload really late at night so depending on where you live, it might be wednesday instead of tuesday, saturday instead of friday. Ill try to upload earlier in the day for people in other countries x) [I'm not allowed to say where I live]

Sorry this isn't the best quality chapter...hope you like it anywaaay ! I'm building up to the climax of the story which will probably happen in chapter 17:)

Oh nd im uploading a new imagine tomorrow c: keep requesting them!


I went back to the hotel that night with millions of thoughts running through my mind. Did Harry really like me? And did I like him back? Ugh, life is so confusing.

"You really think he likes me?" I asked Darla for the hundredth time.

"Aria. My opinion has not changed from thirty seconds ago. YES, I think so!" she answered, frustrated.

I giggled. "Sorry. I just never thought about it before. We were always just realllly, really close best friends."

"What do you mean 'reallllly'?"

"Well, you know," I began. "He's seen me without make-up a million times, we know literally everything about each other, we go to each other's houses all the time, we've slept in the same bed plenty of times without it being awkward--" I stopped when I noticed that Darla had her hand on her heart. "What are you doing?"

She smiled. "It's all just so perfect. You two should get a rom com."

"Oh, stop it," I said and punched her in the arm.

She laughed before her face turned serious. "Wait a second...does that mean you've seen him naked? I mean, everyone who knows Harry Styles has for sure seen him naked. I've heard that he likes free a lot."

"NOO, no no no," I assured her. "That is one thing that I haven't seen. I've told him plenty of times that that will never happen. I get squirmish with those things."

Darla just laughed. "If directioners knew that someone who had a chance to see Harry Styles naked didn't want to, they would all be in shock."

I laughed along with her before yawning. "I'm tired. So much has happened today and I just want to sleep to be honest."

"Pfft. If you consider 'so much' to be almost snogging Harry Styles and realizing he likes you, then you must be spoiled."

"Oh, shush," I told her as I climbed into bed. 'He likes you.' Those words sounded so unusual together. But I kind of found it interesting.


The next day, after lounging around on the beach all afternoon, Darla and I went back to the hotel to clean up. We had decided to go to the boardwalk. I figured nobody would recognize me since I'm not even dating Harry...but I was wrong.

Darla and I were walking together, eating boardwalk fries and looking for a shop to go into, when I spotted it. I stopped in my tracks, tapped Darla and pointed to a One Direction merch store.

"We have to go in there," I told her.

"Oh my gosh, are you kidding me?" she chuckled.

"Nope! Let's go," I grabbed her arm, forcing her to come with me.

When we walked in, it was the craziest thing I had ever seen. There were CDs, t-shirts, sweatshirts, bracelets, and posters with their faces, names, and autographs all over them. They even had the boys' dolls. Teenage girls roamed all around the store, holding up "I <3 Zayn" shirts to the torsos, trying to find the best poster of Louis, etc. I mentally facepalmed, but tried to act normal in the store.

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