Chapter Twelve

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GUYS, important news!! I'm starting to write imagines! I'd love if you would tweet or DM me on twitter (my twitter is _1dships) or inbox me or leave me a comment here on wattpad , asking me to do an imagine for you(: because I'm taking requests ! So if you want me to write you your very own personal one shot/imagine go to my story here on wattpad titled "One direction imagines" & read the details on everything you need t tell me! c:

As always , comment , vote , become a fan , all that good stuff :) much love ! xxx



"Why are we gonna kiss? It would be a waste now because I'm not even handcuffed anymore," I informed him.

Harry stared intently into my eyes and finally stated, "It's not a waste at all the way I see it."

Before I could even process what he had said to me, his lips crashed against mine.


It wasn't a gentle, soft kiss. It was forceful, but at the same time it just made it that much more romantic. I almost fell back in surprise when his lips touched mine but I stayed fairly calm, pushing my body forwards. Harry held my hips in the cups of his hands, and before I knew what I was doing, one of my hands had curled itself around his cheek. I don't know how he managed to make a simple closed-mouth kiss give me the biggest exhilaration I'd had in awhile (keyword CLOSED mouth! :))

It didn't feel like a staged kiss at all. There was nothing fake about it. The way his warm lips slammed abruptly against just felt so right. I would have never predicted that we would end up kissing that day, in his bedroom, where we always just hung out.

He backed away after about ten seconds. It was short, but sweet. No matter what he was planning on saying as an explanation for that, there was definitely feeling behind his kiss.

"That was..." I was at a loss for words. "...unexpected." I finished.

This is the time where I'd expect him to reply with something along the lines of, 'I'm all about the element of surprise' and give me a cheeky smile. But all he did was stare at me.

After a minute, he finally started speaking. "Well, if we're going to fake date, we had to start practicing sometime. Why not now? You look beautiful."

I was somewhat in shock. Since when did Harry Styles think I'm beautiful...?

I decided to lighten the mood a bit. "Yeah, and you're hot. How are either of these two things relevant?" I laughed a little.

A cheeky smile immediately became clear on his hopeful face. "You think I'm hot?"

"Haz, get over yourself. Everyone knows you're fit."

Harry chuckled. "Well, thanks I guess. And it doesn't have to be relevant. I just think you're beautiful, that's all."

"But I'm not."

"Ari, must I start singing my hit single?"

I giggled. "As if I haven't already heard it on the radio 50 times a day. And that's not an exaggeration."

"Yeah, I'm kind of popular aren't I?" Harry bragged.

"Of course you are," I agreed while rolling my eyes. It was odd how just a minute ago we were kissing, and now it's as if it never happened, but I let it go. In that moment, I figured that the topic would be better left unspoken of.


The next morning, I wasn't sure if any of it had actually happened. Did Harry really kiss me? It all seemed so different and unusual to me. Nevertheless, I was instantaneously put in a happy mood just thinking about it.

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