Chapter Four

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Song for today is The Perfect Mistake by Cartel. It works extremely well for this chapter. The lyrics say, "I'm the perfect mistake I'm hoping you'll make right now" which explains Harry's thoughts almost perfectly.

And it's one of my favorite songs ever. His voice is just addictive, & the song is so catchy!


I hadn't been expecting to hear from Harry ever again. But there he goes, screwing up my whole life all over again, right when I decide to focus all my attention on my future.

I sat there, staring at my phone. I didn't know what do. Does he seriously think I'm not mad at him? That I'm willing to forget about the past two years? Most girls my age would probably be ecstatic to get a text from Harry Styles. I, however, found it annoying.

"Aria?" Darla noticed my aghast expression. "What is it?"

"I...I just got a text...from Harry."

"Oh." She answered quietly. She already knew about everything that happened with us.

"Should I answer?" I asked, unsure.

"I don't know..I mean, if you want to, you should." Darla wasn't the type of girl to hate him just because I've started to. She's not shy, but she's not outgoing either.

I decided on not answering him. I didn't owe him any response.

Twenty minutes later, it buzzed again.

From: Harry

To: Aria

I figured you would ignore me. Listen, if you don't reply to me, the silence between us is just going to last longer. I miss you. A whole lot. I'm coming home next week for a quick break and I want to meet up with you sometime. When are you free?

'The silence between us?' Oh, does he mean the silence that HE started by not answering my calls or texts? Right, that makes a whole lot of sense. I still wasn't sure if I should answer him.

Darla looked at me obviously confused, considering I was making faces and rolling my eyes at my iPhone screen. I read her the text.

She poked at her salad, staring down at it. "Maybe you should give him a chance. I mean, I understand your frustration but maybe he has a good explanation."

"I don't know what kind of explanation he could possibly give me for abandoning our friendship." I remarked.

"I know. And I totally understand if you don't want to meet up with him. It's just my suggestion." She assured me.

I was silent in thought for a second. I had been planning on ignoring his text again, but Darla was usually right.

I pulled my phone back out and tried to think of the most straight-forward reply possible. I ended up sending this.

From: Aria

To: Harry

I don't know what the hell you can tell me that will fix everything and I don't know why I'm even answering you, but I'm free next Tuesday.

Harry answered me almost immediately.

From: Harry

To: Aria

Thank you babe! I won't let you down. I really am sorry.

From: Aria

To: Harry

Considering you haven't even acknowledged what you're apologizing to me for, sorry doesn't even begin to cut it. And don't call me babe.

From: Harry

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