Chapter Twenty

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Harry and I woke up the next morning and thankfully, it wasn't as if I could feel the awkwardness in the air like I could last night. I hung out at his house for the morning, just having fun like we always used to. Then, around lunchtime, Harry got a text from Liam.

From: Liam

To: Harry

Get on skype mate! The lads nd I hav some news!

Harry opened up Skype on his computer and a minute later he got a video call from Liam. I sat out of the view of the camera because I didn't know if I should be in on the conversation. When the picture came up, Liam and Niall were sitting in front of the computer.

"HARREHHHHH!" Louis jumped out from behind them.

"Uh...boys? Why are all three of you together?" Harry asked before continuing. "Louis, you told me you and Eleanor were going to London....and Niall, you were going to have a barbecue, and--"

"Yeah, well we lied," Louis interrupted.

"What? Why?" Harry inquired, confused.

"Stop babbling and maybe we'll tell you," Louis replied.

"Yeah," Niall agreed. "We have news!"

"But Liam, you and Danielle were supposed to--" Harry began again.

"Harry! Shut up!" Louis told him once again.

"Let us tell you our news!" Liam whined.

"Okay, okay..." Harry sighed and I laughed.

"Hey...who's with you?" Niall made one of his infamous quizzical/confused looks.

"Yeah...I heard giggling!!" Louis exclaimed. "Who are you hiding from us, Harry? Did you sleep with someone last night? Is it another 32 year old? Is it a fan? Oh no, don't tell me you've been hitting on Niall's grandma again-"

"Louis, for the last time, I DON'T LIKE NIALL'S GRANDMOTHER!" Harry tried to convince him while Liam and I both erupted into fits of laughter.

"Shh, Liam stop laughing!" Louis instructed. "I think I hear more giggling on the other line!"

" like my grandma?!" Niall questioned defensively.

Harry face-palmed. "NO, Niall. I don't and never will make a move your grandma."

"Good," Niall said defiantly.

"It's just me, lads," I finally spoke, moving into the camera view next to Harry.

"ARIA!!" Liam and Niall exclaimed.

"Damn it," Louis pouted. "I was hoping for Grandma Horan."

"Love you too, Louis. I'm happy to know you prefer an 80 year old over me," I retorted sarcastically.

"HEY! She is 79 and looking young as ever!" Niall defended her.

I glanced at Harry, whose head was in his hands. "I'm in a band full of idiots," he muttered.

I laughed before speaking again. "And for the record, boys, Harry did NOT sleep with anyone last night. We're PRETENDING to date, remember?"

"Mmmmmmmmhm," Liam answered doubtedly, obviously not trusting me.

"Yeah, like we're going to believe that," Zayn said nonchalantly, walking into the camera view with a water bottle in his hand.

Harry's head popped up at the sound of Zayn's voice. "Zayn's there too? Wow, thanks for inviting me to the party lads!" he sadly exclaimed.

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