Chapter Five

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Hello lovelies! :) Sorry for the short chapter :/ I wanted to end it this way so in the next chapter I can go right into what happens next :) the thing is, I pretty much have my idea of the whole story finished, and I have most of the end of the story written out already, so I'm trying to figure out what to do in between.. Yeah I know I'm dumb. I don't write my stories in sequence of events. That's especially stupid because I'll have to go back and revise stuff so it makes sense with everything that happens before it... okay I'm sorry I'm probably confusing and boring you to death. If you're still reading this then I love you. :D

By the way, it's Friday, & i uploaded the last 4 days like I said I would so now I'm not uploading until next Tuesday. I upload Tuesdays & Fridays now :D So don't be confused when I don't post a new chappie tomorrow!

Song: See You Again by Carrie Underwood. I've been obsessed with this song for awhile; it's so good and so fun to sing! And this song is pretty much perfect for this chapter, just listen to the words!


I devoted the rest of my day to catching up on anything I had missed with One Direction in the past seven or eight months. I had already known stuff like how Niall loves Nandos and Zayn was a human echo, but now I was learning that Niall defies gravity and Zayn's new favorite vegetable (which is actually a FRUIT, mind you) is an avocado. I was almost all caught up by dinnertime, having watched plenty of interviews and videos along with scrolling through tumblr for hours.

My dad was working late and I don't have any siblings, so it was just my mum and I.

"So.." She poked at her food. "Everything's alright with you and Harry now?"

"What do you mean?" I had never told her about anything that happened.

"Well, I know you didn't talk to him for awhile, and suddenly you're friends again."

"Yeah...we're getting back to where we used to be," I informed her.

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't dating, or anything.."

"Oh, no... no no no no no. Just friends," I assured her.

"Okay." My mum laughed lightly.

"What?" I wondered why she had laughed.

"Nothing, it's just...Anne was always so determined that you two would get married one day."

I chuckled. "Yeah, she has always thought we were meant to be."

"You know.. Harry really is a lovely guy, and I wouldn't--"

"Mum. We're friends, and only that."

"Alright, I believe you," she insisted.


The next morning, I woke up at ten o'clock to my phone vibrating underneath my pillow. I ignored it at first, choosing to text whoever it was back later. After it vibrated a few more times, I realized it was a call, not a text. I reached my hand under my pillow to answer.

I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I answered the phone groggily.

"Aria?" the voice asked.


"Hey. It's Harry," he replied.

"Oh, hi. What is it?"

"Well, I don't think I properly said bye to you yesterday."

I was a bit alarmed by this. "What do you mean goodbye?"

"I'm flying back to America today."

Crap. I had totally forgotten. "Oh, yeah. I forgot I wasn't going to see you again."

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