xvi - gianna

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i let him come with me, but we didn't talk the entire way. casually, i would glance over at brendon just to see him looking out the window almost thoughtfully. his hand rested on his thigh, and i could see his lips moving. i realized he was quietly singing to the music coming from the radio.

without much thought, i turned it up, sliding my hands along the steering wheel, focusing on the road ahead of me.

only a few more minutes of being in the car with him. i told myself. i was excited to not have to have him sitting only inches away from me, that is, until he started to sing along to one of my favorite songs, i can't make you love me by adele. his voice was incredible, and i didn't want the song to end.

i hadn't realized how much of a trance i was in until brendon was no longer singing, and we sat in silence, waiting for the next song to come on. i pulled into the home depot parking lot, getting a spot closer to the door than last time.

"you're really good at singing, brendon." i say, catching his attention before he gets out of the car. his hand falls from the door handle, and his eyes meet mine, as well as a small smile.

"thank you, gianna."

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