xxxviii - gianna

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when i woke up the next morning, i was freezing. i curled myself into a ball underneath the dark green comforter, turning over to see my boyfriend sleeping next to me. that's right, i slept at his house last night. after we....

he doesn't budge as i shift in the bed, trying to get as warm as i can without disturbing him. suddenly, i hear footsteps, and they sound like they're coming to brendon's bedroom.

"brendon, honey-" she stops when she opens the door and sees us lying there. we make eye contact.

"you must be gianna," the woman whispers with a little smile on her face. she knows about me? she knows that we're together? my eyes dart around the room, and i feel like i'm about to be yelled at.

"i'll leave you two alone. just let him now that breakfast is upstairs and i'm leaving for work." then i remember, that's gotta be his aunt. her tone is at a whisper, and i notice the hospital scrubs she's wearing.

"i will." i whisper back and she flashes me a smile before clicking the door shut and going back up the steps. i let out a sigh and lay back down in the bed, feeling content. the only noise in the room is his breathing beside me, and i stare up at the ceiling that has a frank sinatra poster on it. brendon moves over, pressing his body into mine while his arms wrap around me, and he settles, letting out a shallow breath.

his cheek rests on my chest, and i can feel his breath on my neck, and it warms my body. i find myself tangling my fingers in his soft, dark, messy hair, and i run them through it softly while he sleeps. i think to grab my phone that's laying on the floor next to the bed, but the way he's holding me makes it hard to move without the chance of waking him.

after a few minutes of lying there, he finally stirs and opens his eyes slowly. i look down, and his eyes are searching around before they land on mine. brendon smiles sleepily.

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