xxix - brendon

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at the party, everyone looked at gianna and i as we walked onto the beach, and she kicked her shoes off right away. confidently, she held my hand, and i felt bad because it was sweating from my nerves, although, she didn't seem to care. we took two camping chairs by the fire.

"i'm gonna go get us drinks." she whispered to me. before i had the chance to protest, and say that i didn't drink, she was already up at the long white table, looking into bowls and coolers full of stuff. no one talked to me. i just pulled out my phone and basically pretended that i was busy doing something.

"here you go," gianna was back, and she handed me an unopened can of diet coke. i smiled as she sat next to me.

"what, did you think i was getting us alcohol? sorry, flower boy, but i don't drink."

"no, no, it's fine. actually, i was going to tell you that i don't drink either. not very healthy, and it's against the law since we're only seventeen." i say matter-of-fact, opening the can and taking a drink. i watch her do the same.

"oh, but you'll smoke." she rolls her eyes, giggling at me. i was really tempted to be touching her. at all. anywhere.


"hey, g! come over here!" i look over, and three girls are beckoning her over to their group by the drink table. with a look that sort of says 'i'm sorry', she gets up and walks over to them, and i can't help but notice the way her hips sway.

flower boy - b. urie✔️Where stories live. Discover now