Chapter 3

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Oops!Forgot to tell ya about their age so here u go!




















Back to da story!And also,Trip's team somehow is similar to Paul's but here's the thing

I hate both Paul and Trip and how looks like this:Paul give Trip his Pokemon because he thinks they were weak that he lose at the Sinnoh League and give his weak Pokemon to Trip and let them train,Also some characters give Trip their Pokemon to let him train

That's all!

3rd Pov

Silence... Everyone is completely shocked and silence at this,Sure everyone knew about who Ash was and now they he is,Becoming a Champion but younger like Cynthia and he was not talking or showing any emotions

He is now wearing Red's clothes which is considered a black t-shirt,black trousers,red and black sneakers,red jacket with white collar and stripes and his eyes were now red as well the hat of Red, and he had no z mark on his cheeks

He is also a very handsome boy standing at the height of 188 while Cynthia stands at the height of 190,and his body is a bit muscular that every female on the Tournament had a blush and heart on thier eyes while Cynthia and the female Traitors were not affected

Cynthia was bursting out tears as she saw her love one there,Delia also was crying tears of joy that her son is alive and was wearing like his brother

Ash scan the Tournament and he already noticed that everyone were shocked by this as he look at the shocked Trip and he shrugged off

Trip was fuming anger and jealousy at Ash,Anger that he wasn't a Champion and Jealousy that Ash was,Only the strongest can be the Champion!Then he remember how he defeated his Elite Four and he smirk

Trip - "So,You're the Champion of Kanto huh?"Trip mocked at Ash who still not showing any emotions

Ash - "..."Then his Lucario came out and translate

Lucario - "I am his translator,He said "Shocking isn't it?Guess my training pays off...""

Trip - "Training pays off?Pfft yeah right,You just a loser, and a stupid weakling"He sneer as Ash still showing no emotion

Ash - "..."

Lucario - "Well,Atleast I accomplish my dreams and now you have been trying hard to beat the Region's Champion's but ended up losing..."Lucario translate

Trip - "Well,Whatever and I'm still stronger than you"

Ash - ".....?"

Lucario - "What makes you think your stronger than me?"

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