Chapter 29

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3rd Pov

Aiden finished his match, as it was now the tenth match, he was walking down to find Cynthia, who was going out shopping with Sasha.

The Traitors were approaching him with a glare, as Aiden silently sigh and turn to them with a annoyed expression.

Aiden - "Explain." He growled, his left palm summoning flames, and the Traitors smirk.

Misty - "Give us your Pokemon, or else Trip will kill you and take it!" Aiden just sigh, and walks away, not before Trip point a small blade on his throat.

He waited, before he touch it with his right finger, ice appearing on the blade, as Trip drops the blade in shock and disbelief, and Aiden continues to walk.

Aiden - 'Stupid Trip-ass... he probably got his name after his mom trip on her husband's dick, thus naming him "Trip". Stupid, stupid name.' Aiden thought, he was lost in train of swear thoughts that Shouko and Michiwwre talking together, laughing and he was blushing madly while Shouko was really happy.

Aiden bumped into him, as he glares at Michiya, who Shouko was repeatedly asking him if he was alright.

Aiden - "Watch it, asshole."

His eyes widened when he realized the person he bumped into was none other than Michiya, as Shouko's face darkened and eyes showing pure hatred and anger, as he was sweating bullets, face's panicked for the first time.

It was very that moment he shouldn't have done...

He screw himself up so badly.

Shouko - "Hey, Ass... RUN."

After ten minutes of running, they were at a field, as Aiden send out a waves of ice at her, but she melt them instantly with her left palm, she wasn't firing a stream of fire at him, but her left foot were on the ground, heating up the ground into a I hear feeling.

She lunged toward him, as she as right in front of him in just two seconds, making his eyes widened, as his stomach was met with a ice-knee kick sending him into the air, as she lift his left hand up. A pillars of scorching hot flames erupted on him, as he was bit by the pillars of flames.

Once the pillars were gone, Aiden crash into the ground, panting heavily and burned up, as he generate three waves of ice at her, but she generated twelve waves of ice at him, making his own waves of shattered into pieces, as he was struck into her waves of ice.

He melt them away in just thirty seconds, and Shouko sigh in disappointed.

Shouko - "It literally took you 30 seconds and melt the ice, while I need 3 three seconds to melt the ice. Obviously, you are inexperienced in combat. You only reply on your power, not strategies. So that makes you incredibly weak and pathetic." She said in a cold tone, and Aiden grit his teeth. What she said was true, he was relying on his powers too much.

He fired a stream of fire at her, but she generate a barriers of ice instantly, as a waves of ice rush toward him, he tried to stop them with his flames. But it could, as he was stuck into the waves of ice and once again, he melt them away in 30 seconds.

She dash toward him, her right hand covered in blazing scorching hot flames, Aiden tried to block it with a barrier of ice, but Shouko slash apart the barrier with his right arm, causing the ice to spilt apart, as she punch his face with her right hand, causing Aiden to collapsed on the ground, and groan in pain.

Michiya wanted to stop her, but couldn't because he'll receive punishments if he does it so. Last time, he stopped her from shattering a slut's hand the woman tried to rape him, and his punishments was... uh, sexual punishments by her. Like be a Growlithe to her, doing what the owner say. Michiya has been called cute and adorable by everyone, so all he wears was a Gardevoir costume with hoodie, and a collar around his neck. And Shouko... punish her with her care. Kissing, showering together, get in bed together and anything you could say.

Shouko was actually taller than Michiya, he was 170 cm, while she was 182 cm. So that makes him into a disadvantage whenever Shouko pinned him to a wall or the ground.

Now, Aiden was send into a tree when Shouko punch him with her right fist that was covered in dense ice. He got up, and send a waves of ice at her, but she counters it with twelve waves of ice that was five times bigger than the ones she generates, as the entire field they were on becomes ice.

Shouko - "Pathetic. I am merely using half of my power on you, while you are going all out on me. Pathetic. Time to finish this..." She then toss Aiden to the ground, sending him far away, and Michiya backed away, as she summoned a waves of ice on herself, until she engulfed herself in scorching hot flames, as this causes explosion, sending her into the air.

Her right side engulfed in blue scorching hot flames, as she spins herself, making her looked like a blue fire tornado, as Aiden froze there in fear. This is the first time he ever felt fear.

Shouko - "Inferno Whirl Crash!" She shouted, as the attack hit Aiden, causing a mass amounts of wind pressure blowing out, as the ground itself shake that was felt all across the entire Kanto region, this also creates an explosion of blue flames that had two dark blue flame words that spelled "火災", which means "fire".

As the explosion of blue flames were gone, there stood an unharmed Shouko and a critical and burned Aiden, laying on the ground, his body covered in a lot of scotch marks, some of his body were burnt black, and his clothes were burnt to ashes, except his pants who turned into a shorts.

Michiya - "Holy... shit... We better get him to the hospital." Shouko judt nodded, as she used her ice to cool down his temperature, as Michiya carried him to the hospital.

After a while, a member from the Alphader called Rami Nakahara, her ability is heal or regenerate people or herself. Thus, making her the healer in the Alphader, she had dark pink long hair, dark blue eyes, standing at 157 cm, black shirt, white coat, black pants and brown boots. Michiya and Shouko were waiting outside, a girl that has the same age as them walk toward them, she had black short-cropped hair that her left eye was covered by her bang a little, petite body, a mature appearance, standing at 171 cm, black eyes, dark leather jacket, dark green t-shirt, black jeans and black sneakers. Her name was Kyoko Izumi.

She may look like an assassin, but she's actually kind, except if you anger her. Last time, when she was at the bar with Michiya talking about Shouko, a person grope her ass which made him broken a lot of bones. Hands, fingers, legs, feet, and snapped his hands around. She was best friends with Michiya during childhood, even now, they're still best friends and hang out with each other a lot, much to Shouko's annoyance.

Michiya - "H-Hi, Kyoko..." Michiya nervously waved her, and she waved back, before she glare at Shouko.

Kyoko - "Seriously? A person bumped into your boyfriend, then you hot angry and attack him. Now he's in a critical condition." Kyoko said, disappointment on her face, and Shouko look away, despite she far stronger than her, she was literally afraid of Kyoko.

Rami - "I have a good and bad news." Rami said, stepping out of the emergency room.

Michiya - "Let's start with the good one."

Rami - "He'll live, the Pokeballs on his belt were not there, so his Pokemon weren't injured."

Kyoko - "And the bad news?"

Rami - "During that final move, he received a scar on his right eye, he can still used his right eye, however, the scar will not disappear even with my healing power. He had his right hand shattered, so he can't use it. It'll take two weeks to recover." Rami said, as Kyoko slapped Shouko's head, making her winch.

Kyoko - "Hear that? We're screwed, especially how you gonna deal with his girlfriend." She said, and Shouko sigh

Shouko - "I'll find a way, I guess..."

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