Chapter 30

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3rd Pov

After that incident was over, Aiden was now at his bed, already waking up as he sigh, and winch at the waves of pain on his arm, as he look over it and saw it was was wrapped in bandages.

Aiden - 'I'm so weak...' He thought, remembering how he didn't landed a hit on her.

Kyoko - "Oh, good. You're awake." Aiden turn to his right side, seeing a beautiful, yet assassin-looking girl with a mature appearance.

Aiden - "....." He kept silent, which Kyoko just sigh.

Kyoko - "Name's Kyoko Izumi." She said, and Aiden just nodded, before looking at his bandaged hand.

Kyoko - "Don't forget to look yourself into the mirror, your right eye had a scar on it during the battle." She said, crossing her arms.

Aiden - "Okay..." He whispered, touching his face and felt the scar on his right eye.

Aiden - "Where is Shouko? I wanted to apologize to her..." Aiden telepathy to her, as she just scoffed.

Kyoko - "She's at Cynthia's room. Telling her what happened." Kyoko said, as she walks away, and Aiden really hate to admit, he really did. But Kyoko was really beautiful, even more beautiful than her girlfriend.

Aiden - 'Are all the Alphader female members this beautiful? I mean... I know what I think was wrong, but this girl is really... Don't think about it, I have Cynthia now.' Aiden thought, as Kyoko opened the door.

Kyoko - "I know what're thinking. Because I see right through your eyes and mind, if you even dare left your girlfriend and touch me. You'll be dead, got it? I don't like you, or anyone. I only like Michiya as a best friend, 'cause we've been best friends ever since childhood. So, remember these words I'm about to said." She turn around, and she was glaring at him, sending shivers down his spine.

Kyoko - "Leave your mess away from him. Inside, he's still the same four year old kid he'd been. Outside, he's trying to be normal. He shows his true self to me, not even to his girlfriend, Shouko. He's the first ever friend I have for ages, and it made me so happy that if someone hurt or kidnapped him, I will kill just to get his back. I don't love him in a romantic way, I just loved him in a best friend way. True to be told, Shouko got so jealous because of us hanging each other out a lot, so she declared war on me and we fight, that's until she terribly lose, and that's why whenever she is around me, she'll probably got scared." She said, as she approach him, and sweats of nervously began to rolling down on his cheeks, as she grab his collar, and pulled him close to her, eye to eye, and Aiden's eyes widened when he saw the murderous aura and look.

Kyoko - "I don't care if you're a Champion or not, but if I saw you called him an asshole. I'll personally shoved a bullet to your ass and kill you. I'm going to repeat again. Don't you dare threatened him again. Understand?" She growl, and Aiden nodded as she push him on the bed and she walks away.

Kyoko - "Good. The reason why I came here because Michiya wanted someone to be with you so you don't feel alone. See? Even though you call him an asshole, he still cares about you, because he said that his power was a curse, his father was a powerful villain back then that could destroy half of the planet at full power. But his father died when Arceus challenge him and used a fully powered Judgement at him. He forgiven eve too easily, even to his enemies. That's all I have to say. Rest well and goodbye." She said, closing the door as Aiden just lay there, in shock and surprise.

He was beginning to felt that the Alphader are more powerful and dangerous than he thought, even Shouko was defeated by her, terribly. He realized that the Alphader are no jokes, Michiya's father could destroy half of the planet at full power, which was really crazy, considering that Arceus could only destroy a region at his full power, before he got tired and rest. Hell, Thor didn't actually cared about it, since he's protecting his planet from his enemies that are far more powerful than him.

Thor even said that he won't be seeing him for about one hundred years, due to that his father told him that he couldn't get back to him, because of the entire Bifrost Bridge being destroyed by a powerful enemy of his. Thus, so he won't be seeing Thor forever, they have a teary goodbye before he was send back to Asgard, and before he left, he give him a Mjølnir badge, claiming that they'll always be friends.

After a while, Kyoko was laying down on her bed, wearing a black t-shirt, black shorts and slippers, looking at her phone as she sigh.

Michiya - "Kyoko! Can I come in?" Michiya ask, and Kyoko got up with a groan and opened the door and smile when she saw that Michiya was holding his pillow, smiling so brightly.

Kyoko - "Sure, come in." He went again, as he flopped himself on her bed, snuggling his pillow, as Kyoko sit on her bed, looking at Michiya who was looking at her with his cute, yet innocent eyes that could kill anyone with it, he was wearing a green long sleeve t-shirt, white shorts, and red slippers.

Kyoko - "Wanna play the video play that was released a month ago? They say that it's quite fun, though." Ehe suggested, and Michiya excitedly nodded, as they played the game called PUGB Mobile.

They stopped when they heard a knock, as the door opened, revealing Shouko, dressing in a grey tabk too, black sweatpants and white slippers, and once they heard a knock, Michiya immediately switch to his other side of him.

Shouko - "What'cha guys playing?" She ask, and come inside looking at Kyoko's phone.

Kyoko - "A video game that was released three months ago, they said it was a fun game so we decided to play it." Kyoko said, and Shouko nodded as she sit next to Michiya and he kissed her forehead, making her blush.

Shouko - "Stop it... It's embarrassing. I'm not used to this girlfriend and boyfriend thing."

Shouko and Michiya had been dating about five months ago, and Shouko still doesn't know how to properly do it, which is why she was like a slut but stopped when she learns how to date, when Kyoko and another female member of the Alphader give her advice about dating and how she should treat him.

Shouko - "Anyway, what's the game called? I'm kinda interested."

Kyoko - "The game's called PUGB Mobile, download it on your Play Store." Shouko nodded, and did what she said.

After Aiden calmed Cynthia down by telling her he was alright, he is on her bed, both of them were on her bed, staring at the celling.

Cynthia - "Must be pretty rough, right?" Cynthia ask, and Aiden just nodded, as he remembered how Shouko easily beat him without receiving any injuries like he did.

Aiden - "Yes... Her abilities, judgements, powers, and mobility are far greater than mine..." Aiden quietly said, and began to remember about Kyoko's warnings.

Aiden - "Because of that stupid Traitors... Because of them... I was clouded with anger that I threatened Michiya by calling him an asshole that made Shouko attacked me... All because of that damn Trash..." Aiden growl, he got up and was outlined in crimson red aura, and Cynthia hugged him from his behind, the aura slowly disappearing.

Cynthia - "Calm down... You don't want to hurt the girl you loved, right?" She ask, and Aiden sigh and grab her hand.

Aiden - "....." Without any warning, he pinned her on the bed, making her blush and eyes widened, as he grab her hands, pinning her, and he kiss her, and she kissed back.

Aiden - "I love you..."

Cynthia - "I love you, too."

Wahahaha! I'm back! I am healed! Actually... I'm kidding I'm still recovering from my injury and it hurts when I was fast typing so I guess there's some spelling mistakes. There's only one week and five days before I am done with this injury and can used it again.

Why the OCs are having a lot of screen time? Well, I am planning to make this book have a lot chapters, so that's why they have their screen time so you would understand them, not like a writer just made a OC and just rolled with it by not explaining their back stories.

Ah, yes. Shouko beat Ash or Aiden's ass so bad, that some of you kinda disagree. But hear me out, I made him lose a lot, not because I wanted to, but I wanted him not to be so overpowered and someone handed his ass back.

Also, the OC, Kyoko Izumi, I made this OC when I was watching the Skyscraper movie, the character that made me wanted to made this OC is Xia, played by a Taiwanese actress, so yeah.

Peace out!

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