Chapter 27

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3rd Pov

Ash sigh as he was wearing a black long sleeve button shirt, black pants, red biker jacket, red sneakers, black fingerless gloves and black trademark hat.

Man, he was feeling tired today, his face was full of tiredness and stress because of his training. He had to do a lot of training tomorrow, to aura training, pyrokinesis training, cyrokinesis training and exercise.

He slap himself with his fist surrounded in red aura. He didn't shown any pain but pure tiredness.

Cynthia - "Hey, sorry I'm late, I couldn't decide what type of my clothes I was going to wear." She said, rubbing her neck as she was wearing a white long sleeve t-shirt, black pants, black short sleeve hoodie with yellow stripes and grey sneakers.

Ash - "......" He give her a thumbs up, which means it looks good and Cynthia sigh before she kiss his forehead, making the tired and quiet Kanto Champion blush a little.

Cynthia - "Welp, anyway, wanna go to a restaurant? Then we go watch movie?" Ash nodded as he yawn and rubbed his eyes, cutely which a heart arrow went through her soul.

Cynthia - 'D-Damn it! Stop acting cute and sexy and handsome!'

Ash - ".....?" He tilted his head which caused her blush to grow deeper and redder.

Cynthia - "Nothing... Let's just go." She said and Ash smile before he nuzzle her face on her neck.

Cynthia - "S-Stop it..." She whispered and Ash grunted before they went to a five star restaurant.

After they take thier orders, they just sat there in silence, Cynthia didn't know what to say while Ash was just staring at her. The awkward silence was broke when Ash take out his phone and began to type something.

She heard her phone made a notification sound which she take her phone out and check it.

Ash - Maybe you should change your looks, I kinda wanna see you in different looks 🙂.

She giggle and look at him which he look back and began to type.

Ash - Well?

Cynthia - I don't know, I want you to change your name. I mean, it's like this, you heard of The Alphader, right? Well, they all have their codenames like Shouko codename is  Cryszer, which is like a combination of Crystal and Blaze. And I think calling you Ash is weird so I think Ash should be a nickname instead of a real name.

Ash - Actually... Ash was never my real name. It was just a cover-up name.

Cynthia - Oh? I'm really curious now, what's your real name?

Ash - "It's Aiden Phoenix Ketchum." He said with a smile and Cynthia smile back.

Cynthia - "Well, it's good to know your name, Aiden." Ash or Aiden nodded.

Cynthia - "And I'll change my looks, see what I can do to this hair." She said as their orders arrived, they out thier phone back into their pocket and began to ate their food.

Ash kept eating his food while he remember about his father.


A four-year old Ash or Aiden was running down the garden of flowers near Pallet Town with a man about 27 year old was chasing after him.

Ash - "Can't catch me, dad!"

??? - "Oh we'll see!"

Delia - "Tyson! Aiden! Lunch is ready!" They nodded as the man known as Tyson give Ash a piggy back ride.

Tyson - "Alright, kiddo, let's eat!"

After a while, Ash and Tyson was sitting at the cliff of the garden, watching the sun and the sound of sea. While Delia was reading a book and sitting down on the grass.

Tyson - "Say, Aiden. When you grow up. What you want to be?" He said and Ash pump his fists into the air.

Ash - "I want to be just like you, dad! Winning Pokemon battles without losing, treat Pokemon as friends not tools;"

Tyson - "That's true, but what you really want to be?" He said serious which Ash tilt his head.

Ash - "Um, be a hero like you were when you were with The Alphader?"

Tyson - "Yes, The Alphader us far more powerful and superior than me. I know you may be thinking. "What?! That's not fair, my dad can beat anyone including Arceus!". Well, not even one exactly, I've challenge them before like one hundred tries, I always get beaten up by their low level member. Not to mention that I received a scar from a female member of The Alphader. Their leader is by far the most powerful among everyone, including Arceus itself. This person power cultivates it and passes to generation to generation. It's a sacred torch passes down to the bearer."

Ash - "Oh..."

Tyson - "But hey, even though this guy could be a superhero, I still don't want to be a hero, this world is filled with Pokemon and not to mention Heroes. The world needs heroes, but they just didn't know it yet."

Flashback Ended.

Ash - 'The world need heroes like The Alphader... Could that mean that evil will strike at the earth's heart?' He thought as he finished his food and he pay the bills.

They went to a movie and ticket a movie which was a romantic movie. After two hours of watching, they decided to go shopping, Ash bought some clothes and supplies, same with Cynthia but she also buy hair coloring and if she wants to change her eyes, Aiden will change it since he can change someone's eye color. It's his Aura power that can change someone's eye color including his own.

Cynthia - "Man, it's getting late what time is it?" She ask and Ash look at his phone.

Ash - "11:21 p.m." Ash said which Cynthia sigh and she kiss him on his lips and he returns it before they release.

Ash - "...." He take out his phone and type a message to her.

Ash - I don't think we can kiss that much, we're still young and not to mention that you're two years older than me.

Cynthia - "Oh, but I don't care."

Ash - You're dirty as hell.

Cynthia - "Because you sex with me, didn't you forgot about that? Just a kiss, come on~." She said with a hint of seducing which Ash gave in and kiss her roughly.

The let go which a string of saliva were on their mouth.

Ash - "Bye." That's all be said and Cynthia smile and nodded as they wall back to their hotel.

Ash/Cynthia - 'Goodnight, Cyn/Aiden.'

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