Chapter 5

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3rd Pov

Ash was walking to find his Elite Four and the baby Giratina is still biting his head while making some grunt sound

Ash - ".....?"

Lucario - "Could you stop biting my head?"Giratina pouted his cheeks

Giratina - "I luv mah dada! Can't I juvt show mah affection to u?"Giratina said innocently as Ash sigh and scratch his chin like last time as he purr out in happiness

Ash - "..."

Lucario - "Fine,You cam bite my head whatever you like but don't bite harder"

Giratina - "Okav!"Giratina shouted as he bite Ash's head not hard until he heard a sound that Lucario has to carry the baby Pokemon

Delia - "Ash!"Ash turn around while smiling as he saw his mother rushing at him with teary eyes and he open his arms

Ash - "Hi... mother"He said as he was hug by his mother as she sob at his shoulder and couldn't give him a bone crushing hug because he was bigger and taller now

Delia - "I' happy to... see you Ash...I thought you died when..."Delia said sadly as she burst out crying and Ash was confronting her

Ash - "I know...Red's dead,They will shall pay"Ash said as Delia let go of the hug and Ash kids her forehead

Ash - "And I'm not going to let anyone hurt you... Because your my best mother i could ever ask for"He said as he embrace his mother and Delia smill sadly

Delia - "T-Thank child"

After that was done,He took Delia to meet his Elite Four which they told her about their story and times with Ash while Ash decided to talk a bit

When Red died,He became quiet and won't shows any emotions to anyone except the people he truly trust,His face was now red because they were telling her about some pranks story like those two

----6 Months Ago----

Ash was looking for a cold drinks on the refrigerator and Kai walk in the kitchen

Kai - "What you looking for?"Kai said curious as Ash got up and look at him

Ash - "Drinks"He only said before searching a perfect drink and Kai smirk

Kai - "Well in that case"Then he pulled out a grape soda but inside was no grape soda at all but rather a alcohol drink

Kai - Have this,It's cold"Ash then took it as he drink it and Kai quickly ran away

Ash immediately spit out the drink as he look inside

Ash - "........?!??!!??"Ash then put down the beer as he chase after Kai

----4 Months Ago----

Everyone were snickering as they were putting hot chilli cause on Ash's tomato cause drink and they were done and close the cap then back it back at the refrigerator

They sit down on the couch as they heard Ash came and he took off his hat

Ash - "What ya guys playing?"He said as they were playing Super Smash Bros and they pick Charizard, Pikachu, Greninja and Lucario

Kai - "Just playing..."Kai said as they were trying not to laugh and Ash shrugged it off and went to refrigerator

He open the refrigerator then he grab his Ketchup Bottle and he open it and drink it causing his Elite Four to ran out of the room

It took a few seconds he realized it was Chilli sauce as his eyes shot out fire and his mouth fire a flame, Charizard sweat drop at the scene as he grab the Chilli Sauce and drink it making him growl in happiness

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