Chapter 22

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Mewtwo Pov

Damn it... How could I let this happen! This is very bad. I'm now at the cave that Ash was hiding and all I see what horrible.

Slash marks on the wall, bloods on the blood, shattered stone ground and a blood wall that had a word spelled...

FoLlOw ThE hOlE~...

I look down on the hole that leads to somewhere else. I hate this, usually I won't get frustrated except that dirty blonde bastard mess with the Chosen One but... This is by far the most important thing I have to do.

Like always, Ash is pretty much emotionless after he was betrayed so bad that he wasn't able to feel anything. Only one feeling that he truly known for is Insanity.

I sigh in frustration, accepting my decision as I entered the hole, the hole was bigger than I thought it would for a small hole. It was practically standing at 7'21 feet and inches, I am standing at 7'1 feet and inches and usually normal Mewtwo is 6'7 feet and inches but since I'm the original Mewtwo, I was taller and more powerful than an average Mewtwo.

I look at the ground, all I saw was blood everywhere, I groan in disgust and levitate also whipping out the blood on my feet with a small Water Pulse. I levitate further and all the sudden, I heard giggling.

I was not nervous but this time... I am a bit nervous what leads to the hole.

Once I finally reached the end of the hole, I gasp in horror, this is by far the most violent thing I ever saw in my whole life.

Blood. Blood on every wall, ground and celling. I could smell the tasty blood since I'd know that Arceus said that Ash's blood were tasty that sometimes when he accidentally nosebleed? Well, he lick them away with his red ecto tounge since his ecto tounge is long. Gross, huh?

I look at my forward direction and saw Ash, in a different clothes which was a black breastplate and pauldrons, black bracers with chain, black jeans, red socks and black combat boots, and judging by his clothes there were blood on them. When he turn around, I merely rise my none visible eyebrows.

His eyes were glowing crimson red, black sclera, had a devilishly smile and his face was showing full of insanity and out of control.

There were cuts on his arms but I noticed that they instantly regenerate faster than a normal regeneration would be.

Mewtwo - "Ash?" I said, kneeling down in one knee and Ash got up, and he had a massive red aura knife on his hand.

Judging by the atmosphere which was darker than I imagined, and the Aura around him.

He wanted to kill me.


3rd Pov

After that long, epic and horrified battle, Ash collapsed when Thor's thunder vanished, Thor is just standing there, not even recognize any damages, unlike Mewtwo who had many cut and stab wounds while Gardevoir was recovering him with Heal Pulse.

Mewtwo - "Thanks, Thor..."

Thor - "You're welcome, Meatloaf."

(LOL XD 😂😂🤣🤣.)

Everyone sweat drop and Mewtwo had a rainy cloud atop of his head, slightly disappointed that Thor call him Meatloaf instead of Mewtwo.

Charizard - "Will he wake up? I mean... You knocked him out with just three lighting." Thor knees down near Ash and check his pulse which he was alive.

Thor - "Yes, he'll wake up in a short time, maybe about 30 or 50 minutes. He needs to rest." Thor said before he got up and walk out of the cave, likely to get back to Asgard.

Mewtwo - "Well that was easy."

Lucario - "You're talking about a God here, and not to mention the strongest one too." Everyone nodded before his Sceptile bridal style carry him an they all walk out of the cave.

Meanwhile... Cynthia hide behind a bush, with her Lucario near her, they both look very serious since they were part of William and Kai mission, their mission was to observe the suspicious event that was occurring around Viridian City. They noticed that some of the people began to act weirdly.

They tried to talk with them but all they replied was... Piss the f off, with a harsh tone. After William had enough with this whole bullcrap thing. He kidnapped one of the people and interrogate him which they were surprised that the person was actually one of the members of Team Rocket.

So they got everything out of his and William burn him alive with his Torkoal's Overheat and Fire Blast. Which clearly made Cynthia throw up since this was the first time she see a person died, near her.

They got everything put was that their main base was located at the deep forest of Viridian Forest. So now, Kai had his Bisharp out, including his Scizor who was with William. He peek at a mini steel building with two guards dressed in black, guarding the door.

Cynthia - " Alright, what's the plan?"

Kai - "Well, we do know that if we attack them already with our Pokemon then we'll get caught, because there's cameras around the wall and we need to take them out if we're going to went for the two guards..." He whispered and they both crouch in silence.

William - "Maybe we should do this later, besides, Cynthia, your match starts in 20 minutes. We'll get back with my Espeon's Teleport." They nodded before they vanish out of thin air.

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