Chapter 6

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3rd Pov

Everyone in the Elite Four Suite were awake as they do their usual routine and stuff

Ash and his Elite Four were now eating their breadfest as they were chatting except Ash who is looking very emotionless and quiet not talking at all

Once they finish their breadfest,they clean up and went to their job while Ash was flying on his Rayquaza to Mount.Silver

They arrived at Mount.Silver as Ash thank Rayquaza and return him back to his Pokeball,Ash then walk ot his brother's grave as he knees down and place his right hand at the grave

Ash - "....."Ash close his eyes as he smile remembering his dear brother

After 20 minutes,he open his eyes as he got up and sigh quietly then he turned around and walks away,He stop walking as he jump up and grab tight on something

He open his fist and saw a small camera drone as his eyes were covered by his shadow and his eyes were glowing red,He saw a red R on the right center and recognise this as Team Rocket

He then crush the drone and toss it away and he was a top of the Mountain and sit down wondering what to do next

Meanwhile Giovanni growl as someone destroy his mini drone,He then call the five evil syndicate and they talk about how to eliminate Ash who they saw him on the Tournament last day and they smirk as a sinister plans was form on their head and had one goal:

Kidnap Delia Ketchum and Cynthia Shirona

Delia was watering her flowers as a black van approach her confused her and the door open,A man in black suit came out of the van as he send out a Villplume and order the Pokemon to use Sleep Powder at Delia as she scream and was unconscious,The grunt pick her up and toss her to the van closing it and drove away

Meanwhile Cynthia was at the meeting room with the Champion and their Elite Four as all the sudden a Quagsire appear surprised everyone as he send out a Mist that everyone were trying their hardest to see what's going on

Cynthia was about to pull out her Togekiss to used Gust but all the sudden a man grab her wrists as he also covered her mouth as Cynthia was struggling to get out but failed and was drag away not until she bite the man's hand making him let go

Cynthia - "Guys help me!!"Cynthia shouted as the man hit the back of her neck making her unconscious

Lance - "Cynthia what's wrong?! Answer me!"Lance shouted as once the smokes were gone

Everyone look around and saw Cynthia was gone that cause Lance eyes widened

Lance - "Uh oh... Ash is not going like this..."

Ash was actually mediating this whole time with his Lucario beside him and the Baby Giratina was sitting atop of his head sleeping while his Pokemon were training

Ash eyes eyes slowly open as he noticed that his phone was buzzing and he toke it out and see who it was and was revealed to be Lance

Ash - "Lance...?What do ne-"

Lance - "Ash! Cynthia has been kidnapped!!"

Ash eyes widened in horror as his eyes were glowing crazy red

Ash - "Tell me...Who kidnapped her?"Ash said coldly as Lance flinch

Lance - "I-I...I'm sorry but apparently a Quagsire appear and fired a Mist and we heard Cynthia shouted us for help but the Mist was too thick and... wait for sec"Lance said as Ash was waiting

Lance - "Ash,Come to the meeting room immediately"Ash grunted as he hung up and return all of them to their Pokeball except Rayquaza as Ash hop on the Sky High Pokemon and told him to flies at full speed whcih Rayquaza disappear in a blur

They arrived at the meeting room for 15 seconds as Ash thank Rayquaza and return him back and Ash kick the door hard that it broke shocking everyone

Ash - "Explanation..."Ash growl as Lance handed him a letter as he grabs it and read it

Once he was down reading,He immediately rip the paper into pieces as he aura-infused punch the wall making it crack a lot

Ash then leaves without a words as he went outside and send out Yveltal and he board on Yveltal and head off to Celedon City Game Corner

They arrived at Celedon City as Ash return Yveltal and went inside the Game Corner,He spotted a Team Rocket Grunt as he send out Gardevoir and told her to used Hypnosis at the Grunt,She do that and Ash return her back to her Pokeball

He then send out Charizard as he order him to destroy everything,Charizard roar making everyone in the Game Corner scream and rush to the exit

Charizard began firing ton of Special Moves as it destroy everything not until he saw the six evil syndicate, they smirk as they move out o the way revealed Delia and Cynthia getting zapped by ton of electric type attack

Charizard then took off in blindly speed with his claws glow light green shape claw as he slash the Team's Boss head off,Ash then aura-infused the wall as it broke allowing him to carry Cynthia and Delia out of there

After a while, Ash was going into full protective mode meaning he was Delia and Cynthia bodyguard as he was now checking any thing on their foods which now they were at a Restaurant

Ash - "....."

Lucario - "All clean and check"he said as Ash handed them their plates and they dig in

Cynthia - "You knew that you're too protective right now?"Ash shrugged as he drink his Coffee until he saw a Biker about to grab a Cynthia shoulder

He immediately split out his drink at the ground and jump up then choke the biker who is breathing for air

Ash - "....?"

Lucario - "What were you doing faggot?"Lucario growl as Ash red eyes shine making the Biker shet himself

The Biker refused to talk as Ash stop chocking hum and grba his collar then toss him to the celling breaking it and the Biker fall down while groaning in pain

Ash grab his and toss him out of the Restaurant then clean his hands and sit back his seat, People were looking at him a bit scared but keep eating their foods

After that was done, Ash was now at his usual Mount.Silver place as he doing his usual things like meditating with his Lucario while the others are training and sometimes resting

That's until they heard a crunch on the snowy ground as everyone look at the entrance and saw a boy about 12 years old with an ultra Ball style hat and black hair and a Typhlosion next to him

Ash sigh as he got up and do his stuff like for example hear the Trainer that they were going to battle him and now he was using Lapres which obliterated the Trainer known as Ethan, Ethan thank him for the battle and walk out of the mountain and Ash  sit down and look at the very harsh blizzard

Apparently he and his Pokemon were not affected by the very cold and harsh blizzard as they were sitting there quietly

He is really a quiet guy

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