Chapter 7

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3rd Pov

Cynthia was at her office doing her paperwork as she yawn, It's been 1 weeks since she saw Ash and wish she could go back and see him again

But she can't because of her damn paperwork, She put the paperwork at the drawer as she toke a bath, ate lunch and brush her teeth then went to sleep

When she close her eyes, She was having a dream where Ash was betrayed that cause her to jolt awake while breathing

She look at her cell phone and saw it was only 12:27, She lay down again and this time listen to a song from her cell phone

Ash meanwhile was tossing himself left and right on his bed as he was currently having a nightmare, Nightmare where he failed to save Cynthia and died on his hands

This cause him to scream waking everyone on the Elite Four Suite awake as Sasha kick the door open and eyes widened

She immediately went to his side and hug him comfortably as Ash was saying sorry repeatedly and everyone could look at him with sadness, Ash has a lot of nightmare when he was betrayed by his former friends including the yellow rodent

Course' he lost someone important to him, she was a sister to Ash, Yellow

Apparently Delia told him a few days ago he had a sister but Ash said that he already knew her and knows she died, When Ash becomes Champion he had a nightmare where either Yellow or Cynthia died on his hands that sometimes he was planning to suicide himself

Sasha is the only female on the Elite Four and Ash reminds her like Yellow, her personalities remind him of Yellow personalities, Ash cares about Yellow a lot because whenever he met her on his journey she will totally said how cool and awesome he is

Until one day she died when Ash was about to get shot but instead she took the shots killing her but manage to said I love you bro to Ash before died, Course' the killer was apparently Giovanni but Ash kill him

All of them except Sasha heard Ash outside of the balcony and said that he will protect Sasha no matter what happened because she is like his sister to him, Everyone didn't even want to tell Sasha about it and true to be told Ash shows them about how Yellow looks like and apparently her personalities mataches Yellow

So Sasha is the only one to able to calm down Ash easily, After 5 minutes later Ash falls down asleep and Sasha out him on the bed and sigh

Blue - "Well, Looks liek you're some kind of mother or sister"Blue snorted as Sasha cross her arms and pounted her cheeks

Sasha - "Obviously he reminds me of a brother and shut up and let's just go to sleep..."Sasha then strom out of the room as everyone quietly chuckle not wanted to awaken Ash

After a while, William and Kai were doing their mission which was spying on their target who was Saturn the Ex Galactic Admin

William - "Hey Kai, What's he doin'?"William said boredly as Kai was looking at Saturn with his telescope

Kai - "Okay... I spotted him and oh god... Is he pissing at alley?And now he's... flirting a random woman and he resive a slap to the face fork the woman then strom away"Kai said as William was looking at his watch

Kai - ".....AH JESUS FRIKIN CHIRST...."Kai quietly shouted which cause William to look at him

William - "What?"Kai then handed him his telescope

Kai - "Watch and you'll see what the heck I meant"William shrugged off as he look at the direction

It looks 10 seconds before his eyes were crying as well pointing a f you finger at Saturn

William - "Oh why that figlio di un cagna...!"William shouted but the last part confused Kai

Kai - "Uhhh,What were you saying?"

William - "Italian curse, it's called son of a bi-"Then he was cut off by Kai

Kai - "Kay' I know there's no need to curse"Kai mumbled as they rush at Saturn and began beating

Ash awoke up from his sleep as he remember all that nightmare but shoke it off and now he do his usual routine like brushing teeth, bathing, clean himself, wears his usual clothes and go to the kitchen

Once he arrived at the kitchen, He saw Sasha eating Korean Spicy Chicken Ramen which he grab a package of it then cook it

Sasha - "First time eating this?"Sasha said curious because sometimes Ash had eaten spicy food that every spicy foods gets their ass kick by Ash

Ash shook his head and he used his finger and said that he ate this 10 times already which Sasha giggle, Once the ramen was done he dumb away the hot water and place the ramen at a white plate and add the spicy sauce except the seeds

He then mix it with the ramen as he began eating it without any struggling or stuff but rather eating it innocent and calmly

William and Kai arrived back at the Suite as they lazily walk to the couch and toss themselves at the couch and Blue walk into the kitchen and saw what they were doing

Blue - "What happened?"

Kai - "Mission..."Kai tiredly said and slept without a sec

William - "Mission is beating up an Ex Galactic Admin called Saturn..."William follow Kai and sleep

Sasha - "Sigh...Those two will never learn"Sasha grumble as she clean her plate while Ash use his Psychic powers to clean the plate

That's until his phone began to ringing as he was done cleaning the plate with his Psychic powers and he answered it hopefully not some problems

Ash - ".....?"

Goodshow - "Hello?"Ash faceplam realized that Lucario is not out and he wasn't in the mood for talking until Lucario came into the kitchen

Lucario - "Sorry today myaster isn't in the mood for talking but I can translate for you and he said"Hello""

Goodshow - "Oh well good I guess... Anyways, Ash there's a upcoming tournament and it will be hosted at your League so better be prepared for the announcement"

Lucario - "Understood"

Goodshow - "Alright now, Lance and Bruno are now eager to battle with you so you better arrived at your Tournament now"

Lucario - "Sure, I'll be there"

Then they hung up as Ash cross his arms

Ash - "....?"

Lucario - "Nope, Us Lucario and Riolu can't stop calling their Trainer master, Master Ash"Ah face Plam and strom away

Ash - ".....!"

Lucario - "Kay' sure Master Ash"Ash slam the door and everyone chuckle

Ash - 'Ametuar...'

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