Chapter 11

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One more day until the Tournament will be started as every Trainers are at the Indigo League Pokemon Center to participate and The Traitors were at the counter then everyone participate to beat the weakling they knew, Ash but they going to convince him to become friends again

Talk about Trip he was clearly devastated from the humiliated battle and lose and his Harem tried to confront them but an idea hit them and they confront him with a s-... You knew the answer

His Harem was considering Misty, May, Iris, Dawn, Ursula, Zoey, Georgia, Lyra, Erika, Flannery, Whitney, Jasmine, Winona and Candice... Gotta Catch Them All you say? More like Gotta Catch All Ladies... This is why I hate Trip

Meanwhile Ash is walking around the Indigo League with everyone looking at him with awe and he was taking a break after that Drain Punch-used too much Aura incident, apparently he resive reports that Brock passed away and he realized Brock suicide himself with a Knife on his throat as well letter said that he pleaded Ash to forgive him

Course' Ash was clearly sad about this, he knew Brock didn't betrayed him so why does he committed suicide on himself? The answer is that he is suffering cancer when Trip of all people, give him drugs...

Ash - 'Stupid Trip…! Forcing Brock to drugs of all people why does it have to be that guy…?! Ugh... This making me having a headache...'He thought angrily and he remember that he did attend his funeral under the shadow

When everyone leaves including Brock's family, he come out of his shadow and talk to him for an hours before it was 7.05 meaning sunset I'd coming out, he place the most beautiful flowers ever and left the grave with a bit teary eyes

Ash shook his thoughts away as he sigh in frustration and Lucario stop on his tracks

Lucario - "Master, 3 o'clock"Ash dodge an incoming Dark Pulse with a backflip as he turn to his right side and Lucario block it with Protect then soon vanish

William - "Of all the places you could have gone... You choose this place, your hungry again right?"Ash nodded before cont walking to a Western Restaurant

(Here's the thing guys, In this story the Indigo League is like a City, where there's mall, food places, shopping mall, clothing shops and items)

William - "Damn that guy..."William said quietly as he went to the shopping mall for foods also return back his Drapion

Ash - 'Why again for all places, they have to be here...'Ash thought furiously as he look at the Traitors laughing about how pathetic Ash is which people around them are glaring at them

Lucario - "Wanne go to another restaurant?"Ash shook his head as he telepathy him that it's been awhile since he came and ate here which Lucario nodded and they went inside of the Restaurant

He bumped into a woman as he look who the person was and his eyes widened a little

Cynthia - "Ash?"Cynthia said surprised also smiling and Ash nodded and smile back

Ash - ".....?"

Lucario - "What are you doing here Cynthia?"Lucario translate and Cynthia chuckle

Cynthia - " Well, i came here to ate something since I'm hungry, wanne join me?"Ash nodded as Cynthia and him went inside of the restaurant

They sat down on the chair and a waitress came to them which she looks at Ash dreamily but glare at Cynthia who is looking at the menu including Ash who is still in his usual emotionless face

Waitress - "What to you two wants to order?"She said sweetly but growl at Cynthia which Ash noticed it and shrugged off

Ash - "........"

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